Chapter 25 Unbearable

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XiChen smiled broadly at Jiang Cheng. The healer had just cleared him for travelling back to Gusu, and they were going to leave in the morning. Their spirits were high at the thought of going back home, just one night more would be spent in JinLinTai.

XiChen removed his outer robes and settled in beside a drowsy Jiang Cheng. With a wave of his hand, the candles were put out and he kissed a warm cheek, before closing his eyes.

Jiang Cheng woke suddenly. His eyes were still shut, but he heard a shuffling in their room. His eyes still felt heavy, but before he could successfully open them, he felt something cold and wet on his wrists. The night was warm and with XiChen sleeping almost on top of him, the heat had gotten too much for him, so he'd flung his arm out.

"Who's there?" He mumbled, but the feet shuffled away, leaving behind only silence.

He tried to move, to warn XiChen that something was happening but he was having difficulty breathing.

"Huan! HUAN!" But his voice came out like a strangled whisper and he lost consciousness.


It was a new day, and Wei Ying stretched lazily in bed, wondering why it was still warm. The sun was way past that awful hour in the early morning, which was still night in Wei Ying's book, so it was strange that Lan Zhan was right there, looking at him.

"Good morning, Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying rolled over to straddle him and kissed him silly.

"Mn. Good morning, Wei Ying." Golden eyes shone with amusement. "How do you feel today?"

"Much better!" He spoke against his lips, which was a little impractical, but since Lan Zhan didn't seem to mind, he stayed there, drinking in the sight of his beautiful husband.

"Is it time for breakfast?" Lan Zhan continued the conversation like that, as if it was normal.

"It can be." Wei Ying stayed where he was, wondering how long Lan Zhan would let him stay like this.

He didn't have long to wait; strong arms enclosed him safely against a muscled chest as he rose, still holding his husband.

But he remembered his daughter and was distracted enough to look around for her. A disappointed sigh escaped from Lan Zhan.

"Li XiWang?" Wei Ying asked upon seeing the empty bed.


Wei Ying snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around his husband. "Should we have sent her? I don't think she's having a good time."

"I asked her. She said she wanted to go." Warm hands held him closer.

"Okay." Wei Ying couldn't help feeling doubtful. His stomach interrupted his thoughts.

Lan Zhan picked him up,  the same as the night before and they ate slowly, feeding each other.

"I'm beginning to think you like this." Wei Ying remarked, smiling.

He was rewarded with a smile in return. Wei Ying was just about to kiss him in appreciation, when Lan Zhan cocked his head, listening. He held his palm out and a butterfly landed.

Wei Ying watched his face, wondering who the message was from. Lan Zhan frowned.

When the butterfly vanished, Lan Zhan looked at him seriously.

"What is it?"

"Brother says Jiang Cheng's condition has worsened overnight. He has slipped into a coma, and will not be returning to Cloud Recesses yet."

Wei Ying stood up. "But he was fine! They were coming back today!" He started pacing. "What do you think happened?"

Lan Zhan remained silent. He never liked to give his opinion when all the facts were not present.

"Did XiChen-Ge say anything else? What do the healers say?"

"There was nothing else in the message."

"Should we go there? Will it make a difference?"

"No. And I must stay, if Brother is not here."

There was a knock on the door and Wei Ying was the closest, so he opened it.

"The elders request your presence in the Great Hall." The disciple left after passing on the message.

"Both of us?" Wei Ying started dressing himself, but his agitation made his fingers fumble.

Lan Zhan came and batted his hands away, replacing them with his own.

"Why do you think they want to see us?" Wei Ying continued to chatter, even as they left the Jingshi hand in hand.

"We will find out." Lan Zhan refused to guess.

Lan Qiren was noticeably absent from the meeting. Six elders waited for them, rising when they entered.

"There's no easy way to say this," one of them stepped forward.

"Speak your mind." Lan Zhan replied, staring at the man without blinking.

"We think your daughter is causing a disturbance in classes. Nobody wants to sit next to her and the other children are afraid." He continued, not really looking at them, instead he focused on a point just behind them.

Lan Zhan growled.

"What do you mean?" Wei Ying cried. "Li XiWang would never! She's a lovely girl!"

"Regardless, we think your daughter should have classes at home. It will be better for everyone."

Wei Ying was about to protest but Lan Zhan's grip tightened. He looked at his husband.


"But Lan Zhan! They're saying bad things about our daughter!" Wei Ying was incredibly hurt.

"We will talk to her first." Lan Zhan replied.

"O-okay." His voice was shaky.

They turned and left, silently.

"I can't believe them! She's just a little girl!" Wei Ying couldn't stop shaking, his voice betraying his thoughts.

But when they got to the Jingshi, an even worse sight met them.

Li XiWang was holding the hand of Laoshi Ming, but her robe was ripped and she was holding it together with her free hand. She was shaking, paler than normal.

Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan and ran to her, picking her up. He held her close and went inside, leaving Lan Zhan to ask questions.

"What happened, Laoshi?"

Wei Ying tuned them out. He sat on their bed, holding his daughter close.

"It's alright, little rabbit, I'm here. You're safe," he kept repeating, but she had become unnaturally silent.

Big fat tears rolled from her eyes, drenching the outside of his robe, and still he held her close. His thoughts were running wild, wondering what had happened, but he could wait until Lan Zhan told him.

He recognised the signs of shock; what his daughter needed now was patience and care. He tried to douse the anger raging in his blood, tried telling himself it was not needed, but every whimper, every sniff, told him otherwise.

How could this happen in Cloud Recesses, where four thousand rules were supposed to be testament for such actions not to occur? Wei Ying felt cold, hard disappointment clog his throat. Those rules were supposed to give protection. They were supposed to keep people safe.

Still cradling her shaking body, Wei Ying sat at the table and poured her a cup of tea, sweetening it generously with honey.

"Little rabbit, drink this. It will make you feel better." He placed the cup at her lips and made her sip it.

Gradually, her shaking stopped and she slumped against him. Wei Ying put her into their bed and tucked her in.

Then he marched outside.

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