Chapter 75 Bell

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Wei Ying was much happier in the morning. He and Lan Zhan were sitting nearby, waiting for the others to rise. They had already been into town and convinced an elderly woman to open her shop early, just for them. They had bought breakfast for everyone.

Wei Ying felt much better now. The tumultuous feeling in his chest, getting heavier as the night wore on, had dissipated like a thunderstorm, after its release. The tears were necessary, and he understood that.

Lan Zhan was happy because Wei Ying was smiling again. It was the best feeling in the world, and there wasn't a price he wouldn't pay to see it again and again.

Jiang Cheng woke up first, scowling when he saw his brother already up. And smiling.

"Why are you awake so early?" He yawned, and stretched, inadvertently waking up XiChen.

"That's because we didn't sleep." Wei Ying winked at him.

Jiang Cheng fake gagged.

SiZhui woke up next, and then everyone else followed, the smell of a freshly cooked breakfast too tempting to resist.

After they had eaten, Jiang Cheng poked Wei Ying's arm. He shifted away, slightly scared of the furious glare directed by his protector.

Wei Ying grinned at him. "What?"

"Something's been bugging me since last night, and I was hoping you'd know."

"Go on."

"Why did Suanni bow to Li XiWang? And while we're on the subject, what the hell happened to her??" Jiang Cheng whispered that last part, not wanting to upset anyone, neither the child who had jumped up to play with the dragon babies, nor the over protective parent simmering with controlled rage in his direction.

"We thought we would talk about that later, with her. Maybe when we're back home, in a safe environment." Wei Ying glanced over to where his daughter had convinced one of the babies to let her sit upon its back.

"Be careful!" He called out.

"It's fine, father! Don't worry!" She yelled back, boisterously.

"See? She's fine now. But you're right, we should ask some questions." Wei Ying stood up, pulling the Jade with him, and they walked up to Suanni and bowed.

"Thank you for helping us, Immortal one." Wei Ying bowed again. "We have a question, if you could honour us by answering it."

Suanni bowed his massive head. His fur had dried overnight and now the hairs ruffled in the morning breeze. His jet black eyes wore a twinkle of amusement.

"What would you like to know?"

"What happened to our daughter? And did you bow to her? Can we ask why?"

Suanni huffed out a laugh.

"That's three questions."

Wei Ying grinned bashfully. He reached out a hand to caress the softest fur, and Suanni leaned into his touch, a massive rumbling in his chest again.

"I did bow, because she was not only your daughter then. I have known her by another name: Bai Hua. She was famous for her healing skills." Suanni stood up and shook his fur out.

He leaned back, talons embedded in the wet sand in front of him and stretched like a big cat.

"This is for you." Suanni lifted a great taloned foot. On the claw of his littlest one, there hung a tiny bell on a black string. "Take it. Whenever I hear it singing, I will come."

Wei Ying took the delicate, tiny bell and shook it.

It made no noise.

He shook it again.

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