Chapter 6 Engagement

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My dear amazing readers, I don't usually start a chapter like this, but I was inspired by your dedication to whatever madness comes out of my head and, because I had a slap-me-in-my-face moment regarding this book, I just wanted to thank you. Don't want to get mushy but I cried at someone's lovely message last night. And I'm not even an emotional person.

It might not matter to you when you decide, perhaps on a whim to look at my story, but let me tell you, it matters to me.

So I'm just telling you now, I'm going to do my best for you and for me.


Jin Ling looked around the hall and wondered for the hundredth time, why he had agreed. He could put it down to being so busy, running errands on behalf of the elders, and they called it practicing being a leader for real. He supposed listening to what you're being asked, especially if it concerned the rest of your life, was definitely a life skill he had yet to master.

And, given a choice now, if he could go back in time, he would definitely be changing his absentminded 'yes'. He wondered if his Uncle Wei could provide a solution to that, you know, invent a talisman that could erase your past mistakes.

There would be queue to buy that one.

His mind drifted, looking out over those wide and ostentatious stairs, the grounds of JinLinTai stretching out luxuriously beyond them. The sky was a remarkable shade of azure today, contrasting the vivid green grasses, and he had the strangest thought; that this moment right here, would be embedded into his memory like a brand. Or a scar.

Not a single cloud marred his view. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend he was back in Lotus Pier, sitting with his Uncle Cheng, feet soaking in the cool lake waters and drinking in the heavenly perfume of lotus flowers. Who was he kidding? Uncle Cheng never just sat with him. No, that would be his Uncle Wei, who took time out to actually talk. Uncle Wei cared.

That was not to say that his Uncle Cheng didn't, because somewhere in all those threats and lectures, he was sure he could find a trace of affection, but he didn't know if it came from a feeling of love or duty.

Were you oath bound to love the off spring of your dead sister, just because he existed?

He missed them both right now. Both would not fail to give him good advice, were he able to put down his pride for a few minutes. That was the trouble; every conversation started out optimistically, but the inevitable plummeting into chaotic accusations turned him against talking to them. Maybe he would go and visit his Uncle Cheng after this circus finished. He hadn't heard from him in a few days now...and that was strange.

A shrill laugh snapped him out of his thoughts. He looked for the culprit and then...wished he didn't.

The young lady who had released that unnaturally high pitched sound, was currently staring at him. A blush feathered over his features, unwanted and embarrassing him further.

"So, we shall meet again, in two weeks time." The mother of that girl was saying, before they bowed and the whole family, complete with entourage left.

Two weeks? What was happening in two weeks?

He was distracted by the sudden flurry of activity. People started making lists, and words flew around, such as 'wedding' and 'guests' and 'ceremony'.

He stood up, not believing what was happening. He wasn't stupid, contrary to his Uncle's opinion of him, although once he heard what had been decided, Jin Ling thought that this time, he would agree. Wholeheartedly.

Feeling claustrophobic, he left discreetly and once he found himself alone, he jumped onto his sword and flew in the direction of Lotus Pier. He had to tell his uncle first, before he heard it second hand from some naive wellwisher.

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