Chapter 79 Contentment

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Li XiWang saw Daden Yaonu approach and went to meet her. Perhaps it was some sixth sense, but something told her Daden Yaonu was going to say goodbye.

She watched the older woman come closer, her silvery white hair blowing behind her, shining in the sunlight, her kind face smiling with joy, and Li XiWang knew that this moment, this picture would stay with her forever.

"My child." Daden Yaonu held her arms open and she ran to meet her.

Li XiWang breathed in her scent, a combination of flower auras and sea breeze. She was beginning to associate that scent with home, safety, and family. She sniffed her again, and Daden Yaonu laughed, musical notes dancing on the crystal waves.

"What are you doing, child?" Her green eyes twinkled with joy.

"I'm memorising your smell." Li XiWang told her softly.

"You smell of lotus flowers and sandalwood." Daden Yaonu told her. "The time has come, child, when we must part ways."

Li XiWang nodded bravely, but tears gathered in her eyes. She couldn't speak because the lump in the throat was too big.

"How is it, we have only known each other a few days, and yet I love you? If I had a child, I would wish for her to be exactly like you." Daden Yaonu  wiped her own tears away.

Li XiWang wrapped her arms around the slender waist. Her head reached up to her chest, and she could hear heartbeats in her ears.

"I have never had an aunt before, at least not my own. You are really mine, and I love you too." Li XiWang choked out.

"Now, no more tears for either of us," her fingers trembled as she wiped Li XiWang's face gently. "Parting is not the end, and we will meet again. I will make sure of it."

Li XiWang nodded.

"I have a gift for you." Daden Yaonu said, holding out her closed palm.

She opened it to reveal a bracelet made from abalone, but this shone darkly with blues, purples and greens. Silver diamonds sparkled in between, and she clasped it around Li XiWang's wrist, patting it before letting go. She kissed Li wang on her cheeks and then her forehead.

"I will come and see you soon," she promised with a final wave.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were watching her talking to Li XiWang. Wei Ying had tears in his eyes, and even Lan Zhan wasn't immune. He was standing behind his husband, arms wrapped around his waist, while Wei Ying leaned against him. They separated to bow one last time.

Daden Yaonu leaned in to whisper something in Lan Zhan's ear. Wei Ying watched those ears turn a flaming red colour, and vowed revenge. Just what was going on? This wasn't fair, he had left Lan Zhan for a total of two, maybe three days, and look what he had to put up with!

So caught up in his thoughts, he was, that he almost missed what Daden Yaonu was saying to him.

"Even though I have only known you for a while, I feel we shall miss you, especially your little girl. Whenever she feels alone, please remind her of us?" Daden Yaonu sniffed, and laughed sadly. "Look at me! I promised not to cry again."

Lan Zhan handed her a spotless white handkerchief from his robes.

When had he even gotten dressed, Wei Ying thought, bitterly. He looked perfect in the shining sun, like a celestial being. He glanced at his body, bare chested, still a few drops of sea water lingering in the crevices of his muscles, just above his nearly dry trousers.

He looked up to find Lan Zhan also looking at his chest, desire sparking alight in those golden pools, and Wei Ying found himself gravitating towards him against his will.

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