Chapter 16 Tempering

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JingYi was worried. This was an unusual feeling for him, mostly reserved for night hunts and creatures he met for the first - and hopefully the last - time.

SiZhui was missing.

He was somewhere around Cloud Recesses but JingYi hadn't seen him for a few days now, resulting in a mild but persistent headache behind his eyes.

In the morning, SiZhui would get up earlier than himself, so there was no chance to talk, and when they went to sleep, JingYi would inevitably fall asleep waiting for him to return. He would try to catch his friend in the dining hall, only to be told that he had 'just missed' him. This was becoming true for all the locations around Cloud Recesses until JingYi thought his friend had developed some other worldly powers which enabled him to avoid whomever he wished to.

So JingYi had to get creative. First, he faked being sick and made sure everyone knew he was going to spend the day in bed. Then, he hid behind the bushes in the rabbit enclosure, because SiZhui always fed the rabbits, and he was bound to come along at least once. Plus, he was troubled in mind, and that would normally mean more than one visit.

He didn't have long to wait, but unfortunately, he had forgotten his hatred of suspense. SiZhui came and sat among his friends and fed them carrots from his basket.

But JingYi was now in a dilemma: if he jumped out without a warning, he'd probably scare both of them, and coming out slowly was...just weird. Who would have a plausible reason to hide behind a bush? Nobody sane, anyway, JingYi thought to himself, regretting his plan that had appeared brilliant before actual execution.

So he tried to jump out quietly, only to find his robes had caught on the thorny underside of said plant, and he was scared that something had caught him and wasn't letting go, so he shrieked in a panic.

SiZhui yelled, sword drawn at the sudden noise behind him. They both stared at each other, not moving and chests heaving while they tried to breathe properly again.

"Why are you here?" SiZhui asked finally, sheathing his weapon. He sat back down again.

The rabbits that had scattered upon the sudden noise, crept forward warily, ready to leave at the slightest disturbance.

"It was the only way to catch you." JingYi stood up and brushed away the loose soil on his clothes. Why was it such a challenge to keep his robes clean? And of course, it had to be a rule. He joined his friend and picked up a fluffy pal.

"I don't know what you mean." Sizhui stared hard at the carrot in his hand.

"Sure you don't." JingYi scoffed, taking it from him. "I haven't seen you for at least four days now, and the only time that's happened is when we were in the nursery. You've been avoiding me, on purpose."


"Tell me what's going on? I'm worried about you."

"It's Jin Ling." The words were mumbled and difficult to hear.

"Okay." He prompted, only to be met with more silence. "And?" He nudged him. "Don't leave me hanging. What happened with the young mistress?"

"Don't call him that!" SiZhui shoved him, but it was a half hearted attempt.

"Chill, man! I've always called him that." JingYi had his palms out. "So what happened? Did you kiss him?"

SiZhui burned a bright red.

"Oh my! You did, didn't you?" JingYi started laughing.

SiZhui wanted to hit something, no, someone.

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