Chapter 49 Rescue

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Wei Ying just missed catching her as she slid out of his grasp.

He ripped off his robes and dived in after her, ignoring the shouts from the boat above.

But then the strangest thing happened.

The wings so dormant in his back opened and spread out behind him, acting like fins. Long and elegant, they sleeked back, controlling his speed, acting both as a rudder and propelling him forward with an unimaginable speed.

Gills, naturally present in the upper ridges of his wings, allowed him to breathe under water, freeing his mind.

With a single focus, he charged after those terrible Jiaorens, who dared to take his daughter.

They were so surprised at what was coming after them, they dropped Li Xiwang immediately and fled, swimming faster than a sailfish.

Wei Ying caught her, hyper aware that she had been in the water far too long.

But she turned and smiled at him, having no trouble breathing at all.

She saw his face, a mask of confusion, and pointed to her arms.

He looked to see a ridge of gills all along her forearm, enabling her to breath just fine.

He swam back to the boat, not believing his eyes, but she seemed calm, even after everything that had happened to her.

Lan Zhan took her first, setting her next to SiZhui, before hauling him out of the water.

"Pretty." Li Xiwang touched his wings as they melted into his back.

Lan Zhan produced handkerchiefs and gave one to SiZhui to help his sister who was completely wet, before drying off Wei Ying, keeping his attention wholly on his task, and not making eye contact. He redressed Wei Ying in his robes before grabbing an oar and rowing them back to the coast.

Wei Ying could feel his vibes; he was totally pissed off.

SiZhui was trying to keep the shivering little girl warm. No one spoke except for the fisherman, who stopped speaking when he was glared at by the angry oarsman.

"We should probably make a fire so she can dry off." Wei Ying said, quietly.

Lan Zhan jumped off the boat, dragging it single-handedly to the shore, allowing them to descend directly onto the sand.

"SiZhui, stay here." Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hand and he had to run to keep up with the long stride of his husband.

There were lots of dried long grasses which Bichen made short work. All the while Lan Zhan kept hold of his hand. Wei Ying didn't dare to speak, but the angry silence brewing was starting to stress him, until he couldn't stand it any more.

"Lan Zhan, I-"

He was pulled into a vice like grip, those strong arms wrapping him in a cage of warmth. He could hear the rapid beating of Lan Zhan's heart under his ear, his own one racing too.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think."

A big hand held his head closer, if that was possible. He reached up and kissed under his jaw.

"You saved our daughter. You jumped in." It was merely a whisper.

His arms wound around the Jade, giving them both comfort. Wei Ying felt something hot trickle down his neck, so he leaned back to see.

"Lan Zhan! Don't cry!" He wiped away tears that wouldn't stop.

But he couldn't stop.

"Lan Zhan, my love. It's alright. Our daughter is fine, I'm fine." Wei Ying tried to sooth him but Lan Zhan felt overwhelmed. Wei Ying held his face, looking deeply into golden eyes flooding with grief.

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