Chapter 70 Battle

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Daden Yaonu swam fast, and Lan Zhan had a hard time keeping up with her, much to his chagrin. He was a man, so should have been stronger, and yet he had a feeling that she was holding something back in terms of stamina and performance.

They wove through the ruins of the ships, destroyed by the brine water and rot, the constant abuse from the larger mammals, and now the explosions that made these huge shapes of wood tremble like a scared child.

Loose debris fell here and there, and on more than one occasion, Lan Zhan had to dodge or pull Daden Yaonu out of the way. It was his fault that she was swimming slower to accommodate his speed, and he felt responsible for her safety.

The graveyard of the ships lasted for at least a mile, and then they came upon a thick bunch of reeds. Daden Yaonu pulled them apart slightly.

Already the noises from the fighting had reached their ears, but now, the extra buffer was removed and they heard it loud and clear. Metal upon metal, the clash and clang of angry weapons, the screams of those less proficient than their opponent, and Lan Zhan could not look away.

Daden Yaonu had kept her word. The Crystal city was behind them and in front, the legions of the Dragon Realm fighters, decked out in their crystal armour, spikes atop their pointed helmets and crystal spears in their hands.

They charged as one, scattering their enemies and driving fear into their hearts. Again and again, their military prowess shone through.

This was not to say that the Jiaoren army was less in any way, for what they lacked in planning, they more than made up for in their aggressive strikes. Fearless and brave, they met each charge with enthusiasm, vigour and strength.

Too soon, bodies fell by the wayside, as the fighting intensified and the sea bed became the last resting place for many warriors. Lan Zhan watched with interest, his whole attention on the Jiaoren, looking for a sign, for a glimpse, but Wei Ying wasn't there.

And if he wasn't there, then where was he?


Wei Ying was balancing on the ledge that jutted out over the main body of the battle, trying to hold an increasingly disturbed child, whilst simultaneously calming him and looking for Shiyong Fei too.

He could feel it in his bones that they were too late, but the carnage in front of him was too intense. He had to think of Shui.

His whimpering filled Wei Ying's ears, and he was having a hard time being okay with it. He had just made the decision to move, when chaos erupted.

The Dragon Kings had been holding back until now, perhaps hoping that the battalions would take the main brunt of the battle; but both sides were incredibly matched.

To tip the balance onto their side, they surged out of the Crystal Palace as one, six unbelievably beautiful bodies, long and writhing up into the space on one side, followed by another five matching dragons shot up into the opposite side. They unleashed torrents of water fire, straight into the enemy ranks, scattering their soldiers once more, only to attack in fierce bursts of energy, obliterating the opposition.

Wei Ying looked on in wonder, while both Jiaoren next to him shuddered with fright.

The Dragon Kings with all their powerful majesty owned this underwater world, and it was a simply reckless dream of the Jiaoren to even think they could defeat them.

The mated pairs joined and identified by their matching bodies, twisted in a deathly dance, foreboding in their execution. Wei Ying couldn't look anywhere else, his attention stolen by the display of expert precision in front of him.

And just as he thought that it was finally over, a roar, loud and booming, silenced all other noises.

Confused, the fighters stilled, and looked around.

A huge presence floated down to land in between the fighters.

And in Wei Ying's mind, everything clicked into place.

When Shen Ling had left him, saying he would get more help, he had called on the magnificent Suanni.


His huge body looked like that of a lion, his fur billowing in the deep waters as he looked around, looking...for someone?

His wings now calm sat softly upon his massive torso, and his strangely beautiful face twisted here and there, taking in his surroundings. Curved canines clamped down, while big eyes shuttered and opened...scanning?

All eleven dragons came floating down to bow before him. The Jiaoren too, put down their tridents and sank into bows, and Wei Ying knew, now was his time.

His wings unfurled, causing Shui to gasp, and he reached forward to touch an edge.

"Pretty," he whispered in delight, his distress forgotten.

Wei Ying refrained from rolling his eyes, because who knew he had the key to catching Shui's attention, all this time? Kedou had hidden behind Wei Ying from the moment Suanni had arrived.

Wei Ying whispered, "hold on," to Shui, before running forward and leaping off the ledge, to land gracefully in front of his friend.

Suanni grinned a toothy grin and licked him.

Wei Ying was glad that Lan Zhan wasn't there; his husband would think too much about that.

"Suanni, please accept my greetings." Wei Ying bowed as best as he could, with the manchild still in his arms.

Shui looked in awe at the gigantic beast in front of him, and Wei Ying was shocked to see him unafraid.

"Touch?" Shui asked him.

"We can ask?" Wei Ying looked up at his friend, who also looked back with interest. "He wants to know if he can touch you?"

Suanni smiled and bent his massive head, so that Shui could reach out and touch him. Shui tentatively placed his palm on the huge forehead.

"Nice," he giggled, stroking the warm fur, and making Wei Ying smile.

A deep rumbling came forth from his chest, and Wei Ying realised Suanni was...purring.

Kedou joined him, not brave enough to say anything but shyly standing close all the same.

Then, several things happened at once.

Wei Ying was just about to explain to Suanni and he hoped, Shiyong Fei, who Shui was, when a shout broke out on his right hand side. Wei Ying looked to see a Jiaoren soldier point his trident at himself, but he was just then, pushed away by a flurry of white trousers and a pale body.

Too late.

A single wave of green energy hit Lan Zhan square in his chest, and he cried out in pain. Wei Ying could only watch as his body hit the floor.



This one is for the fans of Suanni (look! I brought him back!)

Especially XiaoAiYin90
And illaine31780

A promise is a promise

See you tomorrow!

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