Chapter 35 Collective

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Wei Ying and Lan Zhan made their way to the Hanshi, holding hands as Wei Ying was chattering away. They would leave after breakfast, and XiChen had suggested they eat together.

The door opened by a pale faced XiChen, who looked as if he was breathing through his teeth, but he smiled at them.

Wei Ying tried not to gag, but the smell of onions was overpowering. They sat down politely, although when Wei Ying stared at his husband, he wanted to laugh at how much the Jade was exerting self control. He appeared to not be breathing at all.

In the middle of their table was a bowl full of onions, and Jiang Cheng was just biting into one. XiChen glanced apologetically at Wei Ying, before handing out chopsticks.

"Interesting choice." Wei Ying remarked, digging in to his own rice.

"What? They're healthy!" Jiang Cheng scowled and picked another.

"They sure are!" Wei Ying let out a giggle.

He watched as XiChen shifted ever so slightly away from him. Jiang Cheng pulled the bowl closer to himself, ignoring his rice.

"Are you packed? Ready to go?" XiChen asked, through his teeth.

"Yes. The children are just getting their things together, and then off we go."

He was interrupted by the crunch of teeth on onion.

"These are really great!" Jiang Cheng added.

Wei Ying beamed at him.

"Do you have a plan?" XiChen edged towards his brother.

"Not really. Just getting to the sea first. I'm going to play it by ear." Wei Ying replied.

Jiang Cheng offered him an onion, which he politely declined with a smile. Jiang Cheng bit into that one too.

Too soon, breakfast was over, and they were leaving. Wei Ying held his breath when Jiang Cheng hugged him. Lan Zhan was out of the door as soon as it was polite.

"Are you excited, Lan Zhan? It's going to be so much fun. Shall we go and visit with Uncle, just quickly?"


Uncle Qiren was also happy to see them. They said a quick goodbye and then made their way to the Jingshi.

Lil' Apple was staying in Cloud Recesses, much to Wei Ying's disappointment. Lan Zhan said the little donkey would get tired and homesick, so he wasn't allowed to come with them.

The children were ready and waiting, Li XiWang was practically vibrating with excitement. Wei Ying was happy to see that, given how she was, just a few days ago.

"I'm going to miss our home." Wei Ying said, wistfully as they passed the white pillars of the gates.

"Mn." Lan Zhan held him closer. "We will be back soon enough."

"Of course, you're right, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying smiled excitedly. "I've always thought paths that lead away from home are exciting, because they lead you away from what you know. They can take you anywhere. And they can also lead you straight back."


"Are you excited, Li Xiwang?" SiZhui asked. He was holding her hand and they were walking in front of the parents.

"Yes, Ge-ge. What about you?"

SiZhui thought about it while agreeing. There was one person he was definitely going to miss.


Jin Ling was so done with old people, who seemed to have nothing better to do than disagree with everything he suggested.

The day had started off badly anyway, because of course, Jin Ling just had to have dreamt about the previous day.

It had been perfect, especially when he had managed to keep SiZhui until late afternoon. He'd cancelled all his meetings, hence the dealing with the backlog today.

Then they locked themselves in Jin Ling's bedroom and spent most of the time in a liplock. They had been dizzy with joy and parting was just painful.

Jin Ling sighed, as the next group of people walked into the room. It was going to be a long day. He hoped SiZhui was faring better.


Jiang Cheng was measuring. It was very important. He looked all around the Hanshi, made notes and drew diagrams.

When XiChen entered, holding a flower he managed to snag on the way, to his nose, he had to ask.

"What are you doing?" He inquired, watching his husband.

"Well, it just occurred to me that we don't have space for snacks." Jiang Cheng kissed his cheek and continued darting around the room.

"Space for snacks?" XiChen echoed, puzzled.

"Yes, you know, when you feel like munching on something, but you have to go all the way to the kitchens? I thought it would be great to have some at hand." Jiang Cheng picked up an onion and started munching on it, greedily. He saw XiChen staring at him and offered his, disappointed when he refused.

"What kind of snacks?" He mumbled.


"What kind of snacks did you have in mind?"

"Well, healthy ones, of course." Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Of course." XiChen hid a smile, wondering how come he hadn't noticed Jiang Cheng's preferences until now.

It was certainly something to think about.

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