Chapter 19 Chaos

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Too much was going on. Wei Ying was watching both children kiss, tears in his eyes, but then his XiChen-Ge cried out.

When he turned to look, amidst all the screaming and crying, he saw his brother fall to the floor, his hands clawing at his stomach before he passed out.

"Call the healers!" Wei Ying shouted out, running to him.

Lan Zhan sat by him and checked Jiang Cheng's pulse. XiChen couldn't see for the tears to do it.

"I don't know...he was...why?" XiChen tumbled his words out with disbelief, horrified at Jiang Cheng's condition.

The healers arrived and loaded Jiang Cheng onto a stretcher. He was taken to their infirmary, anxious relatives following.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan stood on either side of XiChen, holding his waist, while they watched the healers transfer spiritual energy, trying to stabilize his condition.

Jiang Cheng woke up once and that was only to cough up a mouthful of blood. They cleaned him up and continued for at least another thirty minutes. When they were done, they covered his body and came towards the little group.

"It's poison. What did he eat?" The healer looked worried.

"Vegetables and rice. Standard breakfast fare in Cloud Recesses." XiChen wiped his eyes. "But he's been eating that for a week now, and...and nothing happened to him. I don't understand."

"Did he drink anything? Please try to remember." The healer looked incredibly disappointed. "If we can't tell what kind of poison it is, it will take longer to cure him, if at all."

"I honestly don't know." His eyes kept leaking but XiChen made no attempt to wipe them away now.

"What if it wasn't food or drink?" Wei Ying suddenly asked.

XiChen turned to stare at him, a new hope transforming his face. He turned back to the healer.

"Have you ever heard of anything like that?" He asked, excited.

"Indeed. There have been cases of poisoning by inhalation, most common through the lighting of poisoned incense sticks. But I do not think that is what we are dealing with here." The healer looked doubtful. "However, we shouldn't rule anything out for now."

"Please. Please, you have to help him." XiChen went to Jiang Cheng to sit by his side. He took his cold hand in both of his, trying to out some warmth back in.


SiZhui couldn't believe he was kissing Jin Ling. His lips were soft and hot and delicious and irresistible!

But too soon, he broke away, his eyes full of fire and uncertainty, before the commotion to their right became too loud to ignore.

Jin Ling ran towards his uncle, and then followed them to the infirmary.

SiZhui stood next to him as they both watched what was going on. He slipped his hand inside Jin Ling's, and squeezed it lightly, just to show support. Jin Ling squeezed back, but didn't look at him.

Wei Ying had an idea.

"Lan Zhan, can you please help me send a message?"

"Mn." Golden eyes questioned him.

"I'll explain on the way." Wei Ying turned around and saw the juniors. He smiled at their joined hands, and Jin Ling tugged his free, red faced.

"How is Uncle Cheng?" He asked, stepping away from SiZhui.

SiZhui missed his warmth immediately.

"Stable for now. We have to do something, but you can stay here and keep an eye on him. Look after XiChen-Ge too." Wei Ying looked at SiZhui then. But he smiled kindly at both of them. "Well done!" He hugged Jin Ling. "I'm glad you stood up for yourself."

Jin Ling gave him a watery smile. "It was hard to do."

"Anything worthwhile always is." Wei Ying kissed his forehead. "Your mother would have been so proud of you. As I am."

He approached SiZhui and hugged him too.

"Don't lose heart, he may need some time." He whispered in his ear, so Jin Ling didn't hear. Out loud, "who's idea was it to kiss?"

Jin Ling blushed.

"We wanted to convince them that he couldn't marry that girl."
SiZhui said, blushing too.

"And that's what you came up with?" Wei Ying laughed.

"It worked!" Jin Ling replied, hotly.

Wei Ying grinned at them both and walked away with Lan Zhan.


Back in their room, Lan Zhan listened to Wei Ying.

"I bet Nie Huaisang will know more about different kinds of poison. I want to ask him, just in case."

"Mn." Lan Zhan created a butterfly and let it go.

He was sitting so quietly, it was unusual for him. Lan Zhan didn't like seeing him staring into nothing, chewing his lip.

Wordlessly, he pulled Wei Ying into his lap, wrapping warm arms around his body. Wei Ying immediately relaxed into his chest, humming with satisfaction, all limbs encasing his husband.

"I like you a lot." He whispered, closing his eyes.

Lan Zhan snorted out a laugh.

"Did I say something funny?" Wei Ying looked miffed, leaning away and staring through hooded eyes.

Golden eyes blazed with love back at him.

Wei Ying blushed and hid his face.

"Lan Zhaaan! Don't look at me like that!"

Lan Zhan kissed his forehead, coaxing his face up and within reach. Wei Ying smiled as soft kisses fluttered over his face before catching his lips in a searing display of love. He wanted to see his husband's face, but Lan Zhan held him firmly closer, not letting him go.

When he finally did, Wei Ying melted against him, heart bursting out of his chest. Warmth radiated from the big palms holding him close.

Wei Ying held his face, silver eyes drinking in his features.

"I can never get enough of looking at you." He whispered, kissing his nose.

"Mn. Love Wei Ying. Wei Ying is beautiful."

Wei Ying brushed his thumbs softly over his brows, caressing his cheeks.

"I love you, Lan Zhan. More than anything. More than Emperor's Smile!" He grinned, naughtily.

But Lan Zhan remained serious.

He stared deeply into the silver mercurial depths. Time stood still as they dwelt in this oasis of feeling.

Words were useless and unnecessary.

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