Chapter 8 Injured

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When the body fell from the sky, Wei Ying's first reaction was to protect the trembling child beside him. He looked her straight in the eyes, holding her shoulders gently.

"Li XiWang!" He waited until she lifted her eyes away from the person on the ground, looking at him. "Your training begins now. Take deep breaths."

He was so proud of her when she managed to do it, keeping all of her attention on him.

"I'm going to check him now, alright?"

She nodded.

Wei Ying looked at the man, a fleeting sense of familiarity encompassed him as he checked his pulse. It was there, faint and fading amidst the great damage his body had undergone. Open wounds bled out, staining his clothes as he picked the man up, telling his daughter to follow close behind.

He was stronger now, this new body infused with immortal strength, yet even he was panting when they reached the rabbit enclosure. To his relief, both SiZhui and Jin Ling were there, though they both looked upset. However, now was not the time for that.

"SiZhui! Get your father!" He shouted, knowing the dependable one would follow through.

The infirmary turned into a flurry of activity. Spiritual energy was transferred while gaping wounds were sealed and the patient was brought back into stability.

Wei Ying had tried to convince the little girl to go home, but she had flat out refused, saying his words back to him, in a stern voice that belied her age. She stood next to him, back ramrod straight and concentrated on her breathing, even when Lan Zhan joined them minutes later. He held onto Wei Ying with an arm tight around his waist; Wei Ying was extremely grateful for the support. Now the adrenaline rush had subsided, he was feeling shaky.

"Do you recognise him, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying whispered.


"He came to our wedding. His name is Shou Xing, disciple of Lord Bao Sheng Dadi."

"Who is that, father?" A curious voice asked, surprised that they knew the man on the table.

"A friend." Wei Ying told her.

The healer came up to them, wiping his hands. "He's resting for now. There's nothing else we can do for him until he wakes up."

"Come." Lan Zhan led them out of there and back to the Jingshi.

Jin Ling was waiting outside, pacing.

Lan Zhan frowned at him, but he did not notice, so caught up in his thoughts as he was.

Wei Ying knew something was definitely bothering him. "Lan Zhan?"


"I should talk to him."

The frown deepened, but he didn't stop him. Instead, he took Li XiWang's hand in his and wordlessly entered their room, silently closing the door behind them.

Wei Ying tapped the young man's shoulder. Jin Ling stepped back, startled. Then he threw his arms around his Uncle.

It was only when he felt the hot wetness that Wei Ying realised that the boy was crying. He held him tighter, letting him cry away his pain. He made no noise at all, something that worried Wei Ying further, but it would be too much to ask him about that too.

He stepped back by himself, wiping his face with his yellow sleeves. Wei Ying matched his footsteps, replacing his hands with his own. He popped inside the room and came out just as quickly with a cup of water in his hand. He made Jin Ling drink every drop.

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