Chapter 73 Impressions

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Jiang Cheng tapped on his knees absentmindedly, while they waited for the boys to return.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" He asked his husband, fully expecting some sassy comments from his brother, but Wei Ying stayed silent.

Which was strange in itself anyway, but Jiang Cheng noticed there was something wrong with Wei Ying, ever since he had made that showy entrance. He made a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Yes." XiChen told him.

"No doubts?"

"None. I want to believe that I can come back to you, or with you. I wouldn't mind either."

Jiang Cheng kissed his cheek, pleased. "Me too."

The boys returned then, SiZhui looking awfully embarrassment, Jin Ling unrepentant.

So of course, they had to be made fun of. No one had the heart to tell them that the sea winds carried their voices over so they heard everything.

Every single word.

"So what happened after you all left the creepy temple?" Jin Ling asked in a loud voice.

"Hmmm. I think it was the frogs." Her brow furrowed as she tried to remember.

"Frogs?" Echoed Jin Ling, looking to SiZhui for an explanation.

"Father Wei heard them, a few at first, but then we followed the sound and found hundreds! I made a new friend!" She recalled, smiling. "And what about that fountain? That lady came alive." Li XiWang enthusiastically told her uncles all about it.

"So what happened to the coin? Can we see it?" Jin Ling asked.

They all turned to look at the little girl.

"I gave it to father." She looked up at Lan Zhan hopefully. "Where is it?"

He was already patting his sleeves, trying to recall.

"It was in my hand," he remembered.

"It fell out. Down there." Wei Ying looked out across the sea, now black under the cover of the night sky.

"It doesn't matter, anyway." Li XiWang looked at her father worriedly, and then at Lan Zhan.

He gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her, but they both knew something was wrong with him.

"We got to this town, and you all know what it's like." SiZhui said, watching them.

He had seen his father dismount Suanni, the utter devastation on his face. He had a good idea what was going through his mind; he would try and tell his father Zhan about it. He didn't like seeing the normally animated man so silent, lost in his thoughts.

Li XiWang squeezed his hand in thanks. Both were worried about their father.

"We stayed at a Grandmother's house for the first night. There was a storm coming, and it didn't make any sense to sleep on the beach. We found this," SiZhui spread his arms out, smiling, "the next day. Isn't it amazing?"

"I never thought it would be like this." Jiang Cheng said, taking a deep breath.

XiChen smiled at him. Already, he was looking healthier; the sea air was definitely helping him.

"So much water." Jin Ling whispered. "It makes me feel small. That all our worries, all our struggles are nothing compared to something so vast."

"I know what you mean. And it's so full of energy. Good energy. This place is a cultivator's dream." SiZhui grinned.

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