Chapter 15 Changes

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Shou Xing had left much to think about, Wei Ying pondered, making his way back to the Jingshi. Was his daughter really in danger? Here? In Cloud Recesses, the most protected and warded place amongst the Clan territories?

Of course, he had to tell Lan Zhan first. Then they could decide what they were going to do.

SiZhui was sitting on the deck outside the Jingshi. Wei Ying smiled fondly when he saw him, and was reminded of the fact that he wanted to ask him something. He was a good kid, and Wei Ying knew he'd never ask for attention, preferring to watch from the sidelines, but that didn't mean he didn't crave it now and again.

Wei Ying knew he and Lan Zhan had been focusing much of their attention on their little one, because of circumstances relating to her than because of a bias, but it was time to put things right.

So he put on his brightest smile and sat down next to his son, putting an arm around shoulders that could take more weight now. Could, but shouldn't have to, he thought.

SiZhui's answering smile was only half there, an indication of his inner turmoil.

"What are you thinking about?" Wei Ying launched right in.

"What do you do, if you like someone?" He blurted it out, as if given the the time, he might have worded it differently.

Wei Ying's eyes filled with tears, memories of his Shijie flooding his mind. Why were both his children so good at throwing him back into the past? But right now, SiZhui, the best son, was worried about him, thinking he had said the wrong thing.

Wei Ying wiped his face and patted his back. "I asked my Shijie that, and you just put me back there. With her."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, SiZhui, you can't say that. My Shijie was the best sister. Any moment, any memory of her and the time we spent together is a gift, and I should be thanking you."
He thought deeply about that, before answering. "At that time, I was so confused. I really liked your father, I mean more than friends, and I couldn't explain it, not to her and not to myself, either. I wanted to be around him all the time, and I mean, all the time. And I didn't understand it."

"But now you do?" SiZhui was hopeful.

"Yes, I do. And I can give you a different answer than what my Shijie told me, because that was what I needed to hear then, but this is for you." Wei Ying brushed away the strands of silky hair fluttering around his face and looked into those chocolate eyes brimming with confusion. "Who you love, doesn't matter one bit. It doesn't matter what form your soul mate comes in, because neither the shape nor gender matters. Not really. Our truest form, our souls can live anywhere; that is our magic. Who we choose to share that with, is our choice."

"How do I know I'm making the right choice?"

Wei Ying remembered A-Yuan, the cute, chubby, little fellow still present in the young man before him. His mannerisms were the same, how he thought, and the way he expressed himself, was the same.

Delighted, Wei Ying kissed his forehead, his lips lingering in honour of the time he lost, watching him grow.

"You don't! Do you think I knew? I was only concerned about my feelings and I was sure, one hundred percent, that your father did not feel the same. It took your Uncle XiChen to spell it out for me, and that reminds me, I've yet to thank him properly for that."

"Jin Ling...I don't think...he feels the same way." SiZhui sighed the deepest of sighs, reserved for those in love.

"Have you asked him? I feel like, given my own situation, that you should clarify. He might be taking after me, you know, and then if you're waiting for him, you'll never get anywhere." Wei Ying smiled broadly at the young man, too aware of what he was going through.

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