Chapter 44 Inebriation

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The family had left the small village soon after breakfast. They walked mostly in silence, with Li XiWang pointing things out now and again, or asking a random question. SiZhui was quiet throughout, and Lan Zhan never talked much anyway.

Wei Ying was lost in his thoughts. They drifted from when he was a small child on the streets of Yiling, to when Jiang Fengmian had brought him home to Lotus his fateful meeting with his soulmate.

The choice to come to Cloud Recesses for courses on how to improve cultivation, had been his, and his alone. Jiang Fengmian had made it clear that he was not obligated to attend, however that many months spent without his siblings was what decided it for him. He shuddered, thinking of the alternative that meant being at Madam Yu's disposal.

Lan Zhan looked at him, ever in tune with how he felt.


"It's nothing, Lan Zhan. I was just thinking that if I hadn't come to Cloud Recesses all those years ago, I would've spent all that time still in Lotus Pier. With Madam Yu." He tried to smile.

Lan Zhan stopped walking and pulled him into a hug.

"I-I just thought, what if I hadn't decided to come? We never would have met-"

Lan Zhan kissed him, holding his face gently, but his lips conveying a message he held in his heart. He had suffered from similar thoughts not too long ago; he knew about the crippling fear. And he knew it was better not to think about it.

Their foreheads touched, silver eyes still a little moist, stared into golden ones.

"I love you so much, Lan Zhan." He whispered.

"Love Wei Ying." Lan Zhan kissed his forehead and took his hand again.

The children had stopped once they realised the parents weren't following, and they waited for them to catch up. SiZhui glanced at both his fathers, Lan Zhan smiled and Wei Ying shook his head, that he was alright now.

Noises of town life came first to them, growing steadily around them as they progressed. The rattle of carts on uneven roads, shouts of market vendors selling their goods, sounds of the blacksmiths hammering away; this melody of life gradually replaced that of the natural world they were leaving. Birdsong and crickets humming in the grasses were drowned out by the other.

Wei Ying welcomed the bustling streets, filled with people going about their business. This town was larger than the few they had passed through, and here, due to the scale of activity, anonymity was guaranteed. It was close to lunchtime anyway, so they snacked on food from the stalls lined on either side.

Wei Ying liked to try new things, and out of the group, he was the most adventurous. He had a keen eye, although sometimes, this would backfire. Nothing too serious happened though, just a need to exorcise his tongue now and again with sweet haws. He picked up a few jars of their local wine, the merchant boasting that it rivaled those of the Emperor's table. Wei Ying thought he would have some fun with them later.

The afternoon passed in a carefree way until quite late, and when the evening stars came out, they found a large hotel. The children were tired and went to their room immediately, leaving Wei Ying alone with Lan Zhan in theirs.

With great gusto, Wei Ying sat at the table opposite his husband and poured out two cups of the pink liquid.

"Hmm, I've never seen wine like this before," he said, grinning mischievously. "Care to try some, my love?"

Lan Zhan stared at him. Wei Ying shivered at the intensity of his gaze, the fire brewing in those golden depths. And then, to his surprise, Lan Zhan picked up the cup and downed it in one go.

Wei Ying got up and sat down in his lap, dispensing with the cup and preferring to drink straight from the jar itself. He had to sit there, he had to catch Lan Zhan so he wouldn't bang his head on the table.

He finished off the remainder of the wine, feeling pleasantly buzzed but still in control of his senses, when Lan Zhan woke up.

"Lan WangJi, Lan WangJi, what am I going to do with you?" He smiled into confused looking golden pools.

Lan Zhan put his hand over Wei Ying's mouth. Wei Ying resisted the urge to lick him. For now.

Every time Lan Zhan got drunk, something different happened, and Wei Ying was eager to find out.

"Don't say that name." His words slightly slurred.

"What name? Lan WangJi?" Wei Ying asked, gently.

Lan Zhan nodded, solemnly.

Wei Ying wanted to smile, his husband was so cute when he was drunk. And he wouldn't remember anything.

The hand pressed down firmer, and Wei Ying couldn't talk, so of course, his tongue came out instead, licking at the long delicate fingers, heat pooling in his lower stomach, as he watched those golden pupils dilate with desire.

Lan Zhan snatched his hand away, staring at the still wet fingers and then longingly at Wei Ying's mouth, still pinker from the pressure.

"Why can't I say your full name?" He coaxed, wanting an answer.

Drunk Lan Zhan was talkative if he wanted to be, and Wei Ying loved him even more for this. Plus the ingrained rules ensured an honesty that wasn't voiced when he was sober, and Wei Ying wanted to take advantage of that.

"Wrong. Not for Wei Ying." He leaned forward and kissed his nose. "Love Wei Ying."

Wei Ying beamed at him. This cute side of his husband was just adorable!

But then Lan Zhan frowned suddenly. He started emptying out his sleeves until he found what he was looking for.

It was a red flower, Wei Ying didn't know what it was called. He watched those wonderful pale fingers reach up into his hair and tuck it behind his ear.

Lan Zhan smiled broadly, proud of his work.

"Wei Ying is beautiful."

Wei Ying leaned in and kissed him, unable to resist this man. "Lan Zhan is also beautiful." He whispered.

"No! Wei Ying is beautiful. Beautifuler." He insisted, the frown returning.

"Okay, okay." Wei Ying smiled shyly at him. "I have a gift for you too."

Just before they had reached the edge of town, Li XiWang had pointed at something and Lan Zhan had gone to see what it was. Just then, Wei Ying had spotted a bunch of wild cornflowers, their bright blue colours reminding him of Lan Zhan's robes. He'd taken his husband's distraction as an opportunity to grab handfuls of the soft flowers and dump them in his pouch, wiping his hands when Lan Zhan turned to look at him.

Now Wei Ying showered Lan Zhan with the pretty flowers, watching the way his husband's eyes lit up.

"Pretty." He said, but looking at Wei Ying.

Wei Ying blushed, and then yawned.

Lan Zhan was up immediately, still holding him close and deposited him on the bed, following close behind.

"Lan Zhan, I'm not tired!" He tried to protest.

But firm hands held him down. "Sleep."

"Lan Zhaaan!"

His protests were cut off by the gentlest kiss, golden eyes bursting with love.

"Sleep." He said again, his voice kinder this time.

Pacified, Wei Ying found himself closing his eyes at last.



I started this book two weeks ago on a Saturday, and look where we are! Chapter 44 and 3K + reads.

Thank you all!

I hope you have a great day today, or night wherever you are!

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