Chapter 31 Objectives

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Lan Zhan found his husband and his daughter buried under scrolls in the library.

He had to smile at the sight; just the beloved red ribbon under cascading ebony hair, because Wei Ying happened to be bending down at the time, and a pair of burgundy eyes owlishly staring back.

"Look what we found!" Li Xiwang exclaimed excitedly, jumping up from where she was sitting.

Lan Zhan tried not to frown at her dusty robes, but she saw his look and started dusting herself off quickly. Then she darted around the what must have been a table to show him a picture book.

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying bounced to his side, also wanting to show him what he'd found.

"We have to go see Uncle Qiren after this, but I found lots of references to the Jiaoren, and did you know, they're also called Flood Dragon people?"

The unmistakable sound of excitement at a new discovery, had Lan Zhan covering the young girl's eyes with one hand and grabbing his husband with the other, and kissing him senseless.

Li XiWang waited patiently, rocking on her heels, and it was so similar to Wei Ying's actions, he picked her up when he was done, and kissed her cheek.

"Show me." He told her.

The next few hours were spent discovering everything there was about the people who lived in the sea.

"I can't wait to go!" She told him, bubbling with joy.

Wei Ying watched them proudly, satisfied that her trauma from a few days ago had been, if not forgotten, but at least put aside. Nothing was more important than the fact that she continued to smile like this.

Lan Zhan caught his eye, and raised an eyebrow in question, but Wei Ying shook his head and blinked away his sudden tears. He blew them a kiss instead.

Then they were ready to go and see Uncle Qiren.

He opened the door with a smile to welcome them in, and Wei Ying thought about how much the old man had changed.

After he poured tea for everyone, he pulled out a piece of parchment.

"I made notes." He said, directing that at Wei Ying, who was sitting next to him.

Wei Ying grabbed his arm in affection, which had Lan Zhan drawing in a sharp breath, but...his uncle didn't seem to mind, patting his hand with a smile. That was something to be shared with XiChen later.

Wei Ying scanned the characters quickly, making notes in his head.

"This says they live in the deepest parts of the ocean. That when they cry, if they are not in water, their tears turn into pearls? I wonder if that's true?" He mused. "Can we trust these sources?" He looked to Uncle then.

"I'm not sure. I think as with all things, if you want proof, you have to get it yourself." Uncle Qiren stroked his beard.

The gesture was so familiar and expected that it had Wei Ying smiling fondly back.

"I'm not sure how I feel about making them cry, though." He added, almost as an afterthought.


"When do you expect to leave?" He asked.

"Probably after XiChen-Ge and Jiang Cheng get back." Wei Ying sobered up. "If Jiang Cheng still hasn't woken up, maybe we can try Empathy, see what really happened that night."

"And what did Sect Leader Nie Huaisang have to say?"

"He's quite knowledgeable about poisons, Uncle. He gave me so much to think about." Wei Ying went on to tell him in depth, everything he had learned from his friend.

Li XiWang tugged on Lan Zhan's sleeve.


"How long do you think we'll be away?" She whispered.

"Not sure. Why?" His golden eyes roamed over her face, trying to read what had her worried.

"When we come back, do you think they'll like me again?"

His heart broke at her innocent question. His arm wrapped around her waist and seconds later, she was being hugged.

"Will alway love Li XiWang!" His voice was a fierce whisper.

Wei Ying stopped talking to watch them. He had overheard her question, and it shocked him, but Lan Zhan had found the best way to answer it. He looked at Uncle Qiren, who also had a proud look on his face.

It was later, when they were making their way back home, that Hui Gai appeared, tail swishing.

"Demon!" Wei Ying pointed at him. "Come with me!" He turned to Lan Zhan. "I'll meet you back at the Jingshi soon! I have to sort something out with him."

Lan Zhan nodded, still holding Li XiWang's hand and walked on.

Wei Ying grabbed the Demon's wrist when he saw they were out of hearing range.

"Where were you? I told you to protect her!" Wei Ying shouted.

He bowed, but shamelessly licked his red lips. "Master said he promised not to hurt her friends."

"Huh?" All fight left him. He thought back, trying to remember when he'd said that.

"On the mountain?" Hui Gai added, unhelpfully.

"That was for me, not you!" He argued weakly.

"So I can do what I want to them?" He asked hopefully.

"No!" Wei Ying shouted out of frustration. "Don't you have an in-between mode? Punish not kill, something like that?"

"I haven't bothered with it. Waste of time, if you ask me." He examined his nails as if they were far more important than the current conversation he was in.

"Don't you think preservation of life is important?" Wei Ying wanted to shove him.

"Not if said person is trying to kill me. I'm not even a bad person, so ending the problem is the right thing to do." He justified himself, looking quite proud.

"Not always."

"Most of the time." His red eyes gleamed with delight as he sensed victory.

Wei Ying was tired of arguing. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

Hui Gai embraced him.

"I like hugs. You've made me a fan."

Wei Ying patted his back. There was no talking to his friend about restraint.

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