Chapter 80 Guinea-pigs

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As they approached the white pillars of the gates guarding Cloud Recesses, Wei Ying woke up.

"We're home?" He asked, sleepily blinking awake, nuzzling into the warmth of his lover's neck.


Lan Zhan loved it when Wei Ying woke up. His face was just beautiful anyway, but when their eyes met, it was like falling in love for the first time, all over again. The animation in those priceless silver eyes hadn't quite caught up, thoughts were dormant, and yet they were filled with love upon seeing his face.

Lan Zhan hoped the same was apparent in his own. He wished he could look at Wei Ying all day and all night. It wasn't fair that sleep, such a mundane thing, would separate them. As it was, his eyes always found peace when they rested upon his husband, and he had long ago stopped caring what others thought.

Right now, they were both tired from travelling, but they decided to go and see Uncle Qiren before resting properly. Li XiWang had been dropped off at the Jingshi by her Uncle Cheng, after her ride left them at JinLinTai.

Uncle was pleased to see them, his eyes never leaving their faces. Wei Ying produced the most exquisite shell from his sleeve and gifted it to him.

"I missed you, Uncle."

Lan Zhan could hardly believe that and full body twisted to look at his husband.

"What? It's true." Wei Ying replied, defensively.

Uncle Qiren patted his knee.

His eyes nearly fell out.

Since when did his Uncle, stickler for rules and anything that sounded like them, develop affection for the greatest rule breaker alive?

He missed the rest of the conversation because his mind wasn't ready to accept this. It was one thing to hear about his Uncle's change of heart regarding Wei Ying, but definitely an out of body experience in person. He kept stealing looks at both parties, incredibly happy.

So when they stopped outside of the Jingshi, and Wei Ying pushed him in the direction of the Great Hall, he was confused.


"Not for you!" Wei Ying grinned cheekily at him. "Didn't you hear Uncle? He wants you to clear up something and there are papers to sign. I'll be right here."

He went to walk away from him, but suddenly Lan Zhan didn't like that at all, worse than normal. He yanked Wei Ying back and kissed him hard, hungry lips devouring the ones made for only him.

Hotter lips glided over his, and he tingled all over when their tongues met in a fiery dance of lust, love and desire. He slammed Wei Ying against the wall, loving how his arms held on tighter. The whimpers and moans coming from this ravishing mouth spread heat into...other parts, and he was just reaching to open the door of their room, when Wei Ying pushed him away, breathing hard.

"Li XiWang..." he panted, pointing inside the room.

Lan Zhan spotted the sleeping form of their daughter behind the screen, not before Wei Ying had seen the crushing disappointment that their activity had to be halted. He waltzed around and marched off, missing the calculating look on Wei Ying's face.

Wei Ying rushed inside, heavily disappointed in himself. He had totally lost the plot at once, the moment he had felt himself being pulled back. Why did Lan Zhan always have that effect on him? It was great all of the time, but not when he was mad at him. He should not be letting Lan Zhan have his way with him, not until Wei Ying was ready.

Wei Ying had a plan. He was proud of his mind in an abstract way, because every time he had a problem, it continued thinking about it until he woke up, inspiring the solution, and he was thrumming from the excitement of a new discovery, if it worked.

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