Chapter 52 Siren

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They walked back to the inn as darkness crept around them.

Each had felt a change, something shifting, and everything was different but still the same.

The innkeeper opened his door, giving them a strange look as they entered. They didn't want to dally, so they started walking to their rooms, but he stopped Wei Ying.

"Young Master, did you...did you happen to hear anything strange tonight, while you were out? Perhaps on the beach?" He asked, cautiously.

Wei Ying looked at him then. "No."

"I see." He knew Wei Ying was lying. He suspected it at least. But he had to try, so he asked, "it's only because I heard something, a sound quite unique. Are you sure?"

"Quite sure." Wei Ying replied, firmly now.

"I wondered... because I only heard that same sound ten years ago. Quite unforgettable." He shuffled away, locking the door after them.
The children left to go to their room and Lan Zhan took him to theirs.

What happened ten years ago? Where was the conch shell then? And did it have anything to do with Li XiWang? So lost in thought was Wei Ying, that he hadn't noticed that Lan Zhan had removed his outer robes, getting him ready for bed.

It was only when he shivered that he realised.

"Can you please hold me?" He asked quietly.

Warmth surrounded his body as Lan Zhan's arms pulled him into his embrace.

"If...if nothing comes of this trip, is it okay?" He whispered, wanting some sort of validation. He felt unbearably sad for some reason, especially after the last notes of the shell song.

"Mn. It is a good vacation."

The words rumbled out of his chest, echoing in his ears.

"But...but Lan Zhan, I don't want to disappoint our daughter...or you...and SiZhui. Or me, for that matter. I feel like we haven't gotten anywhere. What answer can I give her if she asks me anything?"

"Wei Ying can never disappoint."

Wei Ying felt him kiss the top of his head. But his words weren't making him feel better.

"We can only do our best." Lan Zhan added, gently.

"I know that. You're right." Wei Ying sighed, filled with disappointment.

They might have had fun, discovered new things and had strange adventures, but the main reason for this trip, was to give his daughter her own heritage. And they had nothing.

Dejected, he got into bed, letting Lan Zhan hold him close while he slept.


Li XiWang yawned, trying to stay awake but SiZhui wasn't making sense anymore. She jerked awake and tried to remain upright, when he let out a low chuckle.

"If you're tired, we can rest now." He told her.

"I'm sorry, Ge-ge. I don't know why I'm so tired now. I would really like to lie down." She yawned again, her mouth hurting from the stretch.

"It's okay." He helped her up. "Maybe you had too much sun? We don't get it so hot and so much of it in Gusu. The trees shelter us well."

"Yes, it must be that." She didn't stop him when he helped her take her boots off, and tucked her in.

The dream started straight away.

She was lying on the sandy beach enjoying the warmth of the sun, her feet tickled with the retreating tide, cool waves caressing her soles.

She giggled, feeling happy and free.

There was a lady lying down next to her.

"Would you like to hear a song, butterfly?" She whispered, her voice soothing and melodious.

Li XiWang smiled and glanced at her.

Her hair was made from silver strands, glistening in the sand, her eyes seemed to change colours, first green and then blue, and when she looked again, crystal sparkling like coral.

She was wearing a dress that shimmered with all the colours of the rainbow. She sat up, reaching out to touch her hand.

Li XiWang felt her skin, softer than fleece, smoother than marble, flawless like jade, and she was reminded of her father.

The lady saw her attention shift, and began to sing, a slow melody, soothing but so sweet.

Li XiWang gazed into her purple eyes and saw friendship, and happiness. She understood the words as promises...all she had to do, was go with her to her home, where flowers bloomed and butterflies danced.

She could smell the perfume of many fragrances, and she tried to identify them one by one, yet even as she concentrated, they escaped her mind.

Bubbles floated around her, shimmering and popping when she touched them, making her giggle.

The lady took her hand in hers and they began to walk forwards.

Li XiWang saw birds chirruping, tiny robins and chaffinches, larks and laughing thrushes. A humming bird came flying close to her and she held out her hand for it to alight, but it flew away, much to her disappointment.

Fat bumble bees flew haphazardly around her face, making her laugh with their awkward balance.

And then the scene changed, they were walking on the ocean floor and thousands of fishes swam past, nosing curiously at the little girl. Hundreds of different colours changing in the lights, blues, greens, reds and yellows surrounded her, and the song went on. The lilting voice wove a melody of astounding depth, charm and wonder.

Li XiWang was so overwhelmed by what she was seeing and feeling, she failed to notice the gills that had appeared on her forearms, allowing her to breathe under water just fine, the gills that only appeared when she was immersed in water.

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