Chapter 20 Motive

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Wei Ying was sitting with Jiang Cheng who had just begun to wake up. Moments of lucidity were few and far between, but it was better than him being non responsive.

It was very puzzling, Wei Ying thought, as he held an unmoving hand, that there appeared to be no reason they could think of, for the poison attacks. He was waiting for Jiang Cheng to be able to reply in a coherent way, because he had tons of questions that needed answers.

"Wei Ying should rest."

He felt Lan Zhan kiss his hair, so he leaned back into the warmth, suddenly shivering. Big hands rubbed his arms.

"I'm not tired. Do you want to go and rest? You can, you know?" He turned slightly so he could see his face.

"Can't sleep without Wei Ying."

"Oh. Alright then. Let's wait for someone else to get here."

Jiang Cheng opened his eyes.

"Thirsty." He mumbled.

Wei Ying helped him up slightly, so he could take a sip. He seemed a bit more awake now.

"Jiang Cheng?" Wei Ying looked closely into his eyes. "How are you feeling?"

He actually rolled his eyes.

"So, better then?" Wei Ying smiled at him, relieved. "I have some questions, if you're up for it."

He nodded.

"Can you think of anyone angry enough with you, to want you dead?"

"That's your first question?" He mumbled, annoyed already.

"Well, yeah. It's important." Wei Ying defended.

"The answer's no."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"How sure?"

"I may not be able to kill you now, but I'll definitely be trying soon enough." Jiang Cheng closed his eyes with a huff.

"Motive is important. It could lead us to who's doing it."

"Wei Ying is right." The deeper voice added, sternly.

XiChen came in then.

"Oh, thank you!" Jiang Cheng cried out, when he saw him. "Tell them to leave, please."

Wei Ying stood up. "That's fine. I know when I'm not wanted."

"Wei Ying is always wanted." His husband supplied, unhelpfully.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan. Let's go."

After they'd left, Jiang Cheng's hand reached for XiChen.

"Lie down next to me."

XiChen eyed the narrow bed dubiously, but agreed and managed to fit himself there. It was a tight squeeze.

"He had a point, you know." XiChen said, softly.

Jiang Cheng opened an eye.

"I really don't know. And I wish, if anyone has a grudge against me, that they'd come out and fight me, instead...instead of this."

"I agree. To attack from behind the scene, as it were, reeks of cowardice." XiChen rested his head against his shoulder.

"I want to go home."

"Lotus Pier?"

"No, our other home."

XiChen tried not to cry at that, but it was impossible.

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