Chapter 18 Crisis

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JingYi was angry. Usually quite a passive person, this was new for him, and he didn't like it. His best friends were both idiots, and really, perhaps the only way to sort them out was to bash their heads together.

It was the day of the wedding, and they had all travelled by sword for this occasion. He had managed to persuade the reluctant SiZhui to come too, but the boy was too busy moping to pay attention to anything else.

And then, he had a brainwave. He needed to talk to Senior Wei.

He would help.

So JingYi waited until they reached JinLinTai, and everyone had dismounted.

"Senior Wei, could you please help me with something?" He asked, risking the glares of Hanguang-Jun.

Wei Ying grinned at him, and then looked beseechingly at his husband. He leaned up and kissed his cheek, whispering something in his ear, which resulted in them changing colour.

"Thank you." His eyes sparkled as he left the Jade staring after him.

Wei Ying took JingYi's arm.

"What are you going to do?" He whispered, conspiratorially.

"I need to talk to Jin Ling. Before he makes the biggest mistake of his life." JingYi whispered back, checking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them. He was so glad Senior Wei was on his side.

"Okay! What do you want me to do?" Wei Ying asked him, enthusiastically.

"I need to get him alone. And at some point, I need SiZhui there too."

They veered off the main path where guests were being presented into the main hall, into a secluded area.

"Jin Ling should be in his room getting ready. So we just have to keep him there." Wei Ying's mercury eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Can you bring SiZhui in about ten minutes?" JingYi said, excitedly.

"Absolutely." He was walking away, when JingYi called him back.

"Um, where exactly is Jin Ling's room?" JingYi smiled bashfully.


Jin Ling was sitting on his bed, trying to keep his breakfast where it should be. He fought back another wave of nausea.

This morning had started great; he was ready to talk to the elders, tell them he had changed his mind, that this marriage wasn't for him.

But, from the moment he opened his eyes, there was a flurry of activity. Servants rushed in to bathe him, shower him in expensive perfumes, which were now making his head hurt, and then his hair was pulled into a complicated hairstyle. Ornaments hung from the bun, complete with a golden hairpin.

The weight of his clothes was nothing compared to the weight
in his heart.

The door burst open, and he looked up in shock.

"JingYi! What are you doing here?" He tried to stand but his clothes held him down.

"I've come to talk some sense into you!" JingYi marched up to him and shook his shoulders. "What are you doing?" He shouted.

But Jin Ling just stared miserably back.

"I'm not having this!" JingYi slapped him. Hard.

Then he looked horrified. He looked at his hand and then the cheek that was becoming redder by the second.

"O-Oh my! What have I done?" He stepped back while a dazed Jin Ling stared blankly at him.

Luckily, Wei Ying chose that moment to push SiZhui inside the room and pull JingYi out. They crouched by the window outside and listened.

Inside the room, SiZhui stared at Jin Ling, dressed in wedding robes, red from top to toe.

Jin Ling handsome. SiZhui blushed and looked down.

"You know, I woke up this morning, fully intending to cancel the wedding."

SiZhui raised his eyes at that.

"What happened?"

"This." Jin Ling gestured up and down his body. He grinned, ruefully.

SiZhui smiled back, a little shyly.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, hopefully.

"You were right. I do not want to get married that person. In fact, I do not want to get married." He stated firmly.

"At all?" SiZhui tried not to look disappointed.

"Yet." Jin Ling corrected. "But today, I need your help."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?"

"You said you love me, right?"

SiZhui nodded.

"Then prove it."


Wei Ying heard what they said. As quick as lightening, he grabbed the still in shock JingYi and dragged him back to the main hall.

"We've done everything we can. Now it's up to them." Wei Ying told him.

He looked for Lan Zhan, who was also looking for him. Wei Ying happily bounced to his side.

The Bridal party were waiting for Jin Ling to arrive inside the Great Hall. Music began playing and they announced his full name.

Jin Ling walked into the hall, head held high. He nodded at both his uncles, before standing and waiting by the table where the tea ceremony would take place.

The bride's family escorted her in. Jin Ling watched them disinterestedly, as they spoke in hushed tones, looking at the grandeur which was JinLinTai.

SiZhui had discreetly followed behind Jin Ling. He stood nearby, trembling with nerves.

The bride took her place.

"You may pour the tea." The elder said, proudly. Today was a joyous occasion. He was looking forw-


That word stopped everything.

People stopped talking, wondering what was going on. The music ended on a flat note, causing Wei Ying to beam. He discreetly held up two thumbs that only his nephew could see.

"W-what did you say?" The elder was surprised. "The tea ceremony is integral to a marriage. It must be performed."

"I'm not getting married today." Jin Ling made himself stand up straighter. "I'm not ready."

The elder pulled him aside, amid gasps from the bridal party. The bride's mother started fanning herself.

"What are you doing?" He hissed.

"Watch me."

Jin Ling strode to where SiZhui was standing, grabbed his face and kissed him.


The bride's mother passed out.

Wei Ying started clapping with JingYi hesitatingly joining him.

Jiang Cheng was just about to stop the elder from interfering, when he clutched his stomach.

XiChen stared at him when he turned around, confused.

"Huan! Huan...I..." But he fell to floor, unconscious.

"Wanyin!" XiChen screamed.



This one, especially the last bit, is for wangxian-

I know you did it.

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