Chapter 67 Safety

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The body might have been big, but the mind inside it was young. It was more of a feeling, intuition rather than fact, but Wei Ying was feeling terribly compassionate about the boy in his arms.

The Prince had stopped crying, but Wei Ying was sitting on a pile of pearls, and it wasn't that comfortable, plus they were only interrupted by occasional pings rather than a steady stream, and it was all good. However, he still had to figure out a way to convince the boy to leave his shelter.

"Do you feel better now?" Wei Ying asked him, gently.

The boy leaned back, his silvery tail thudding on the pearls like a regular beat. This close, Wei Ying could see his eyes were of a vivid blue, another difference that perhaps marked his individuality from the others of his race. Wei Ying watched moisture gather at the corner of his eye, and then as it suddenly hardened and fell with a plop.

"Does that hurt?" He asked, suddenly. It just occurred to him that the phenomenon would be mind blowing anyway, but he would have bet that nobody thought of this.

Sniffling, the boy nodded.

Wei Ying's heart constricted. This child was suffering because he was suffering. He lifted his hand and the boy flinched, terrified.

"I'm not going to hurt you." Wei Ying kept his tone calm, even and friendly, until the boy relaxed.

Then he placed his hand on top of his head. The boy closed his eyes. When Wei Ying began to pat his head gently, a beautiful smile bloomed on his face, and he began to purr, snuggling closer into his chest.

He made the mistake of looking at Kedou, whose tail was also thumping rather aggressively on the pearls, scattering them in all directions, while the boy was thumbing towards their entrance and the broken pieces of wood scattered about.

"We can't just leave him, Kedou. What will he do?"

The look on Kedou's face suggested he didn't care, but Wei Ying turned back to the boy in his arms. He didn't question the paternal feelings coursing through him now, thinking of this boy like he would about SiZhui, and Jin Ling, and JingYi. He smiled affectionately, remembering them.

"Do you have a name?" He asked.

"Don't remember...Shui." He started looking distressed again.

"It's alright, don't worry," Wei Ying soothed him quickly. "I can call you Shui, it's fine."

This seemed to make him feel better, and the sniffling stopped.

"Shui?" Wei kept his hand on the other's head. It made him calmer, and Wei Ying was glad for it. "How about we leave here?"

That was the wrong thing to say. Fear bloomed upon his face and he screeched, wrapping his arms and tail all around Wei Ying.

Kedou rolled his eyes.


Lan Zhan stared at the silver haired woman, who stared back at him unflinchingly, still holding his daughter.

"Who are you?" She asked, her eyes changing colours, even as he looked into them.

"She is my daughter, and I am not a patient man."

Bichen drew closer to her neck, but movement followed next to them. The black shadow spoke.

"Master Zhan, she is family to your daughter. She did not cause this." Hui Gai tested the waters with his tail.

He had never been in water before and the experience was...refreshing.


His red eyes gleamed, but when he spoke, Lan Zhan detected no lie.

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