Chapter 54 Sisters

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When the lady stopped singing, Li XiWang shook herself awake and found them both walking on the sea bed, still holding hands.

Where am I, she wondered, and was taken aback when her companion smiled at her and answered.

"Welcome home child. We have long awaited your return."

The lady with the silver hair billowing behind her, gestured to the colourful coral reef beside them, stretching out beyond their sight.

Who are you, Li XiWang thought, and how come you can hear my thoughts?

"My name is Daden Yaonu. We are your kin. Your dragon blood allows our connection."

I have dragon blood? Li XiWang stopped walking.

"Yes, my child. But it is not safe to stay here out in the open. We can talk at home, if you are willing to come with me. I promise your safety."

Will you bring me back soon? My fathers will be worried about me.

"Your fathers? Does this mean you know where Tiaopi De Long is? Your uncles will be so glad!"

Her footsteps hurried.

None of this makes sense to me. Li XiWang was confused.

"It will, I promise you, child. But we are nearing the Valley of the Jiaoren. You need to keep quiet now." She held a finger to her lips.

Li XiWang nodded. They held hands, Daden Yaonu cautiously peering around the edge of the coral reef, where it ended. Li XiWang peeked around it too, to see what was there.

Her eyes grew as big as saucers, for in front of her, a wide and long valley opened up. Even if they were to travel alongside it, they would be noticed. All around them, the Jiaoren swam, going in and out of the valley.

Li XiWang watched them in awe, their grace in the water incomparable. Their tails glimmered when catching the sunlight as the beams cut through the water was of astounding beauty, breathtaking and audacious. Their genuine smiles on the relaxed faces made her want to reach out and talk to them.

The lady next to her held her back.

"What are you doing, child? They are not our friends, and for sure, certainly not yours! They would rather see you dead than talk to you!"

But why?

Daden Yaonu stared at her, her eyes full of fear.

"I must keep you safe. Once night falls, they will go and visit the world above. Then I can take you home. Please trust me until then."

Li XiWang nodded. She knew nothing about this new world, and this lady seemed to know her. They would just have to wait it out.


Lan Zhan tasted the saltiness of both their tears. Neither wanted to let go. He would have to do it.

Reluctantly, he pulled away.

Wei Ying cupped his face with a palm on his cheek.

"I'll come back to you. I promise."

"Bring our daughter back."

Wei Ying nodded. He took a few steps back and then ran forward, his wings bursting out of his back to take him soaring into the sky. He flew up and hovered above the place he thought they had come that day with the fisherman.

With a precision that surprised himself, he dived into the sea, his wings sleeked back as before, like a bird of prey.

For Lan Zhan, it was the hardest thing to do. To willingly separate himself from Wei Ying caused a rift in his chest, creating an unimaginable pain.

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