Chapter 76 Goodbyes

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They sat in a natural circle on the beach, looking at each other.

"So why did you come?" Wei Ying looked at Jiang Cheng.

"Why do we need a reason?" He huffed out, edging towards his husband at the resulting glare he'd earned.

"We missed you. All of you." XiChen admitted, looking at them all.

"Awww!" Wei Ying scampered up and hugged him. "We missed you too, XiChen-Ge!"

Two furious glares had him quickly sitting back down next to his husband. He smiled up at the Jade and the scowl disappeared like clouds from the heat of the sun.

"What about me?" Jiang Cheng huffed out.

"Of course, of course." Wei Ying said insincerely, grinning back.

Jiang Cheng scowled openly.

Li XiWang tugged on Wei Ying's sleeve.

"Can we go now?"

He nodded and turned to Lan Zhan.

"How many pills do you have left? Li XiWang and I don't need them."

Lan Zhan pulled out three from his sleeve. Wei Ying handed one to SiZhui.

"Who else wants to come? We have one extra, and it would be a shame to waste this chance." He grinned at Jiang Cheng.

"Uncle Wei? Can I?" Jin Ling asked hopefully.

"I'll break your legs!" Jiang Cheng threatened him.

"Stop that, Cheng Cheng!" Wei Ying grinned naughtily.

"Don't call me that!"

"Come on then!" Wei Ying tossed the last pearl at his nephew.

He watched Lan Zhan swallow his pill, and his mouth ran dry, watching the other's throat move. Lan Zhan felt his stare and looked back, amusement burning away to leave something raw reflected in both their eyes. They gravitated towards each other, seconds away from touching...

"I'll push you both in!" Jiang Cheng shoved Wei Ying, who cackled with laughter at the broken mood, and how uncomfortable it made his brother.

He stripped off his outer robes, as did Lan Zhan, neither risking a glance at each other.

"Little rabbit, play the shell." Wei Ying couldn't bring himself to say your 'father' implied that there was another. Not himself or Lan Zhan.

He was surprised at how painful that felt.

"Wei Ying?"

Lan Zhan stood in front of him, blocking the sun. So in tune with the micro expressions of his husband, he was immediately alert.

Wei Ying blinked back the sudden extra moisture in bus eyes and smiled.

"I'm okay. Really." His hand touched Lan Zhan's cheek and he kissed him quickly. "For real, I'm okay."


Li XiWang placed her lips on the hole of the conch shell, filling her lungs and blowing with all her might.

As before, the sweet notes filled the air, hauntingly beautiful, changing the air. A pulse of energy emanated from the sea as if drawn to the child. Everything shimmered for one second and then returned from whence it had come, as if nothing had changed. The sweetness of the sound hung in the air, long after she had removed her lips from the cold shell.

They all felt the difference.

Wei Ying let his wings unfold.

This was the first time XiChen had seen them, Jiang Cheng too. They both came forward with looks of wonder.

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