Chapter 5 Pouch

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Lan Zhan stared at the naughty people in front of him, who had the good grace to look down because they knew they had made a mistake.

"Wei Ying will try again. No ice cream."

"Okay." They both chorused.

Wei Ying grinned sheepishly at his daughter, who was also trying to hide her smile.

"Safety is more important." Lan Zhan tried again to admonish them.

"Yes." They both echoed.

"Wei Ying! Ask."

Wei Ying scooted closer to his husband and kissed his cheek, mindful that they had a child in their presence. He turned to his daughter.

"Li XiWang, we think you shouldn't do things by yourself. You know, because of what happened last time. Plus, we have a theory." He smiled, trying to reassure her.

"Wei Ying has a theory." Lan Zhan smiled at him, making him blush.

"So I can't test myself?" She looked incredibly disappointed.

"No we're not saying that. Listen, there's a way you can that won't make you pass out. You already figured out most of it." Wei Ying quickly told her. "But we think if you concentrate on strengthening your golden core and increase your meditation, it will reduce the stress on your body."

She thought about what he was telling her. "Okay." She replied, simply.

Wei Ying beamed at her. "And..."


"If one of us is with you, you'll be safe. That's all we're worried about."

Li XiWang looked at them with big eyes.

"Mn. Wei Ying is right."

She got up and hugged both of them.


Jiang Cheng felt as if his body was made out of lead. He tried to open his eyes, taking a brief glimpse of the room. He figured out he was in the infirmary, and by the metal clatter which left a ringing in his ears, he had just scared someone.

Seconds later, he felt a familiar touch.

"How are you feeling?" XiChen held his hand and sat down beside him.

"Like I want to sleep for days." He tried to clear his throat and then felt himself be supported, a cool cup of water placed at his lips.

"Thank you."

"No need." XiChen kissed his forehead and settled him back down.

"What's wrong with me?" Days without speaking had made his voice hoarse.

"You've been poisoned." XiChen whispered this close to his ear. "We're keeping it under wraps for now, but no one is admitting anything. We don't want to alert the culprit."

"You suspect someone here?" He asked, in disbelief.

"Right now, I'm suspecting everyone."

Jiang Cheng lifted his hand in to him, was a superhuman effort, and patted XiChen's hand.

"I trust everyone here."

XiChen wisely remained silent.

Jiang Cheng felt himself drifting back to sleep. XiChen was determined to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.


Lan Zhan hummed contentedly, carrying his precious husband on his back, arms loosely thrown around his neck.

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