Chapter 32 Blockage

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XiChen and Jiang Cheng returned to Cloud Recesses on the third day since they had set out from JinLinTai.

It was supposed to be a joyous time, XiChen thought bitterly, as they transferred Jiang Cheng onto a stretcher to take him to the infirmary. Wei Ying stood next to him, holding onto Lan Zhan's hand, watching.

Nie Huaisang was right; someone was after his brother, someone clever and determined.

"XiChen-Ge, I have an idea, if you don't mind." Wei Ying told him, gently.

His brother in bond looked worse than the man on the stretcher. His eyes had sunken into dark circles, his skin the colour of ash, and he'd definitely lost more weight. Still, he had the patience to smile softly at Wei Ying.

"What is it?"

"Well, seeing as you don't remember anything from that night, what if we performed Empathy on Jiang Cheng? We might be able to see something, anything really, that could give us a clue as to who has it in for him."

Wei Ying stumbled back, not prepared for XiChen to throw his arms around him gratefully.

"What a brilliant suggestion! When do you want to do it?" The first sparks of excitement grew in his honey eyes.

"As soon as he's settled? I think he has suffered enough." Wei Ying laughed awkwardly and patted his back.

"Yes he has. I shall tell them to prepare." XiChen let go of him just as abruptly and marched inside.

"That went well." Wei Ying told Lan Zhan enthusiastically.

"Mn. Brother is worried."

Wei Ying threaded his fingers through his, walking him to the bench under the Great magnolia tree. Lan Zhan sat first and then arranged Wei Ying so that he could rest his head on his lap, legs outstretched and relaxed. Wei Ying was already yawning.

"You're so good to me, Lan Zhan." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"Wei Ying is loved." Lan Zhan bent and kissed his forehead, running his hands through silky tresses.


They were woken an hour later by an excited XiChen.

"I also have another idea," Wei Ying said, yawning as he stood up and stretched.

"Your ideas are really good! Brother Wei, you never cease to amaze me." XiChen smiled proudly at him, and he blushed.

Lan Zhan kissed his temple lovingly.

"Wei Ying is clever."

He hid his reddening face in Lan Zhan's robes, clutching them tightly.

"Please stop. It was only a random thought."


"Well, you know how Hui Gai can travel in the dream world? Like when he rescued all those children and our daughter? I thought he might help us with Jiang Cheng."

"That is a splendid idea. Will your friend mind?" XiChen asked.

"We can ask him. He has been too cooperative lately." Wei Ying replied, as they walked back to the infirmary. "I'm glad SiZhui offered to take Li XiWang to the rabbits for a little while. This might take longer than we thought." He added.

"Mn. SiZhui will look after her." Lan Zhan said, confidently.

"He's such a good boy. You taught him well." Wei Ying looked up at Lan Zhan with pride.

"We taught him. Is also Wei Ying's son."

Wei Ying just smiled back. Even if he were to remind him that SiZhui had forgotten about his time in the Burial Mounds, Lan Zhan would have found some way to give him credit.

Jiang Cheng was resting on the bed in the room. His eyes moved under the lids, but he still did not respond to anything.

"I'm afraid this time, the dosage may have been doubled, that's why he's in such a terrible condition." Healer Fei explained.

"We want to try Empathy." Wei Ying told him.

Healer Fei gave his permission. They brought a chair for Wei Ying to sit. He smiled kindly at XiChen.

"Would you like to see as well?"

XiChen came closer. "If that's alright."

"Of course it is." Wei Ying took his hand and in his other, Jiang Cheng's hand.

They closed their eyes.

Wei Ying let out a sudden giggle at the thought of what Jiang Cheng would say when he found out that Wei Ying had delved into his mind.

"What is it?" XiChen asked him.

"Nothing." Wei Ying replied quickly. "Are we in the infirmary at JinLinTai?" He asked Jiang Cheng instead.

He saw XiChen kiss his brother's cheek and watched them settle in for the night as the lights were turned off. Wei Ying sensed a jubilation in his brother at the thought of coming home to Cloud Recesses. He fell asleep for a while, but then Wei Ying heard him call out. He listened intently as Jiang Cheng called out once more, before calling his husband. Wei Ying felt the coldness on his wrists and suddenly worked out how he had been poisoned.


"You'll come back quickly, won't you?" Li XiWang asked SiZhui anxiously.

They were sitting by the rabbits, watching them play and petting the cute little fluff balls.

"Yes." He replied patiently.

"Why are you going to JinLinTai anyway? Who are you going to meet?" She asked, far too perceptively.

"Someone special. Now please stop asking me questions." SiZhui smiled at her. "Let's practise music scores."

She groaned and summoned her instrument.


Wei Ying opened his eyes and checked Jiang Cheng's wrists first. Drops of liquid fell onto his fingers and he looked up, confused.

"He called out to me," XiChen said. "He called out my name. Why didn't I wake up?" More tears fell.

Wei Ying looked to Lan Zhan for help, and he came to hold his brother while he sobbed.

"Healer Fei! Please examine his wrists. Jiang Cheng felt something cold there, before he closed his eyes."

Healer Fei gently moved XiChen out of the way and started looking closely at the veins protruding on Jiang Cheng's wrists. He breathed in deeply, and then coughed.

"It's tasteless, odourless, but there are still traces. This is indeed a breakthrough, Master Wei." Healer Fei looked excited.

He took a cotton bud and swabbed his wrists, carefully placing the samples on a tray.

"Once we know what it is, it will be easier to treat him. And I imagine, easier to catch the culprit."

"At least we found something useful." Wei Ying smiled. Then he shouted, "Hui Gai!"

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