Chapter 27 Curiosity

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Wei Ying gathered her into his arms and held her tight.

These were the first words out of her mouth after three days of silence, and it broke his heart.

But an idea had taken root in his mind and it was growing fast. He just needed a little bit of time.

"Li Xiwang. I love you. Do you trust me?" He felt her nod. "Then please, allow me to help you. I just need some time. And then we're going to change things."

"Okay." She tried to smile.

That hurt more than her words.

"We need to become stronger first. Do you think you can meditate with me?" Wei Ying asked her gently.


They both sat next to each other, concentrating on their breathing.

Wei Ying centred himself, looking for strength. He was going to need it.


Lan Zhan found them like that a few hours later.

As if Wei Ying could sense him, he opened his eyes and smiled.

"Do you mind sitting with her?" He stood up and kissed his cheek.

"Where is Wei Ying going?" Lan Zhan sat in the place he had vacated.

"Library. I won't be long. Is it alright?"

Lan Zhan studied him. His silver eyes were shining with excitement, an emotion that seemed foreign given its absence for so long. His cheeks were flushed, and he looked beautiful. He smiled at his husband.

"Mn. Come back quickly."

Wei Ying couldn't resist and kissed him again, darting out quietly. He wanted to go and see Uncle Qiren too, and there wasn't much time.


Lan Zhan looked at the little girl next to him, her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling as she breathed. If anyone in the past had told him he would be father to two children, one a young boy and the other, an inquisitive, lively young girl, he would've laughed. For him, something completely unknown.

This little girl had come into their lives and made it all the richer. It was a delight to be in her company. On the few occasions that he had been alone with her, she had paid attention to his every word and responded in like. She loved sitting either in his lap, or close by, watching how he played the guqin, learning even as she enjoyed listening.

She would seek him out on her own or with SiZhui. She wasn't like other children, and Lan Zhan smiled at that. Probably every parent thought that about their children, but Lan Zhan was sure. It wasn't just that her core was the strongest he had seen so far, beating even his own before immortality, and Wei Ying's core before he had given it away.

She was strong on her own, and he was glad of this. If she persevered, he was sure she could cultivate to immortality by herself.

But she had already been through so much, and this was something else to trouble her. He wished he could take away all of her suffering.

She deserved only happiness and joy, and he would try to make it happen.

Lan Zhan closed his eyes and concentrated.


In the library, Wei Ying started pulling out books frantically searching. His first thought settled upon a book of maps, and he greedily flicked through the pages, memorising the layout of the land.

On a piece of parchment, he began making notes of landmarks and prominent towns or cities, anything that stood out.

Next, he started looking for books about different people, travel journals and unusual experiences. That was going to take longer, so he gathered them up and ran to Uncle Qiren's quarters.

Uncle Qiren looked at the pile of books in his arms and the excitement on his face, and let him in.

Wei Ying was still a mystery to him, and when he had said that people were afraid of the unknown, he had remembered himself.

Now it was with not a little bit of regret. This fairly new person to their clan was proving an illustrious addition. He had been misunderstood, unfairly and wrongly accused of crimes that were, in the end, no fault of his own. Uncle Qiren recognised the twisted tendrils of guilt flowing in his veins, and vowed to do better.

"Welcome." He told the mischievously grinning man.

"I bet you thought you'd never say that to me." Wei Ying smirked and settled next to the table upon which he had dumped his stash.

"Gambling is prohibited in Cloud Recesses." Uncle Qiren replied, but there was a twinkle of agreement in his eyes.

"I'm sure." Along with all the other fun things to do in life, he added, in his head. "Uncle, I'm hoping you can help me."

"Of course. What would you like me to do?" He asked.

Wei Ying was pleasantly surprised at his amicable tone.

"I got to thinking. You said people are scared of what they don't know. So I thought, what if we remove that, remove their ignorance? People were scared of me too, before I came to live here, before they got to know me."

"I see." He stroked his beard.

"If we can prove to them that Li Xiwang poses no threat, that she's just as harmless as she looks, perhaps they can be more welcoming." He looked down, sadly. "This is Lan Zhan's home. If I left, he would come with us, but I don't want to split up the family."

Uncle Qiren reached forward and squeezed his knee. "It is your home too. You are just as welcome as your daughter."

Wei Ying looked at his hand resting on his knee. A wet drop fell on it and he realised he was crying.

"What happened to her is abominable. I will take steps." Uncle Qiren said, his gaze piercing with honesty.

Wei Ying patted his hand.

"I know you will. In the meantime, can you please look through these? I can't because I promised Lan Zhan I'd be back sooner, but I had to come and see you too."

"What are you looking for, in these?" Uncle Qiren picked up a book and flicked through it, noting the title.

"Any references to the Jiaoren."

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