Chapter 38 Accident

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In the morning after breakfast, Wei Ying filled the children in on what they had found.

"We don't know much more than a theory that the woman's body was thrown over, into the ravine. And she was killed just outside, where the gate is. Did you hear her last night?" Wei Ying asked them.

"No. We must have been asleep." SiZhui said, looking at Li XiWang, who was also shaking her head.

The innkeeper came to their table then.

"Please sit with us. We have a few questions." Wei Ying smiled at him.

"Of course. Anything to help." He sat down, looking a little worried.

"Do you know that it's a ghost, who has been making all that noise, at night?"

"To be honest, I don't know too much about it." He blushed.

"Well, I can tell you something." Wei Ying said, watching him carefully. "We were able to communicate with the ghost. It is a woman. And she was killed just outside your place, where your gate is."

The man visibly paled.

So he definitely must know something.

"So. Anything you can tell us? I think it's in your best interests."

"Um, I do know something, but please understand, I had no idea! I was told everything after it happened, and then it was too late."

"Don't worry, we are not here to judge you. Please go on." Wei Ying patted his shoulder.

"About a year ago, I went to visit my sister in the next town over. When I got back here, I had to deal with a delivery man. He said, he had been pulling his cart inside the gate, and somehow, a woman got caught under his wheels. Unfortunately, she died." He looked ashamed.

"That fits in with what the ghost showed us." Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan.


"And then what happened?" Wei Ying stared at the man, wondering if he would have to force him to explain.

"Well...he didn't know what to do, had no money for a funeral. So he pushed her body over the cliff edge." He sighed, sadly. "I promise you, I had no idea. Tell me please, what should we do now?"

Wei Ying felt disgusted at the man and his companion.

"Even if you couldn't hold a funeral, you could have buried her. She is still a person." He looked at him disapprovingly.

"As I explained, I wasn't here, and I think he was scared, as it was accidental."

"If you don't appease her, I'm afraid she is not going to leave you alone."

"What do we do?" He looked scared.

"Make offering." Lan Zhan told him.

"Yes, there's no other way." Wei Ying agreed. "Unless you want to climb down there and give her a proper burial."

"I will make offerings." He looked down. "It is bad for business, you understand. My guests don't come back, because of the racket she makes every night."

"Good man." Wei Ying stood up, and everyone followed. "If we could settle our bill?"

"No, no. I cannot ask you to pay. You have done a great service for me." He smiled. "I insist."

"Okay then. Thank you."

They left soon afterwards.

"Father?" Li XiWang asked. "Aren't you going to make sure he does what he said?"

They were walking away from the inn and she had run to walk beside him, slipping her little hand inside his bigger one.

"No, I don't think we need to. He was scared enough to do it." Wei Ying assured her.

She hummed to herself, a habit she had picked up from himself. He liked to him while he worked or was lost in his thoughts, and somehow, she liked it too.

Wei Ying was glad to see her thinking about things. Perhaps this journey would be good for their independence as well. It was certainly a good habit, to start thinking for themselves.

The next town they came across, was hosting a festival.

All the main streets were filled with colourful lanterns and decorations, and there was an air of anticipation all around them.

Shops and stalls had pretty flowers decorating their doorways and entrances. Li Xiwang loved it!

All around them, people laughed and greeted each other happily.

"Do you know what festival they're celebrating?" She asked, skipping along next to Wei Ying.

"We can ask someone." He smiled at her and then the next person they met.

"Please, if you don't mind, can you tell us what is going on?"

"You must be new in town. Here we celebrate this whole week as a remembrance of the day the Dragon Kings came to live in the sea. If you wait for one more day, merchants from all over the land will come here to sell their wares. It's the best time of year." The stranger bowed and walked on.

"Father, can we stay?" Li XiWang asked, excitedly.

"I don't see why not. Let's ask the others." Wei Ying replied, kindly.

He wanted both children to have a broad experience, to find out new things and not be afraid of anything they didn't understand yet. Surely this was the main point of them coming on this trip in the first place? So he turned around and asked Lan Zhan.

Lan Zhan had a special smile for him, as if to say he would agree to anything Wei Ying asked for, and didn't he know by now?

His answer was to blush and look away until the feeling disappeared.

Lan Zhan took his hand, smiling more.

SiZhui felt happier than he ever had. This feeling of completion couldn't be compared to anything else, a wholesomeness that wasn't available anywhere else. He didn't really care where they went as long as they were together.

They ate in a tavern and went to sleep.

The next morning, they could hear lots of noises outside, as though people were getting ready for something special. They hurried through breakfast, although Lan Zhan kept an eye on the children, it was Wei Ying who had to be told to slow down.

Finally they were able to go outside. The whole town had been transformed as if over night.

Vendors selling necklaces made from seashells, motifs with the seven dragon emblem, pearls, both loose and and as jewellery. There were carved wooden toys made from driftwood, ornamental boxes with seashells decorating their lids. Treasures from the sea adorned each stall and table.

Every stall holder called out to them, but one table caught Li Xiwang's eye. She dragged Wei Ying to the display, pointing at a large conch shell.

Her little fingers traced the design; seven dragons were delicately carved on the outer edges, and then painted in gold leaf. Wei Ying was amazed at how beautiful it looked.

"How much is this?" He asked.

Before the vendor could reply, a sweet, mellow sound echoed all around them. Every hair stood on end as Wei Ying heard the note, as it pervaded the air, floating like a physical thing. Excitement thrummed through his veins as he turned to look at his little girl.

She had picked up the conch shell and was blowing into it.

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