Chapter 74 New Life

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Lan Zhan gazed upon the troubled face of his husband. Wei Ying was worried, no, terrified of something. And he was trying to hide it.

"Kedou got me out as soon as he could. The Jiaoren King, Shiyong Fei, was angry with the the Dragon Kings. He got his army together to attack, that's why the Palace was empty." Wei Ying told them.

"Meanwhile, we were waiting for father Wei to come back, with no idea what was happening to him. At night, we had to go and rest at the inn. The innkeeper told us about the lobster fishermen, how they use oyster pills to breathe underwater. They dive deep to retrieve their baskets, and it's not possible without these. You can only hold your breath for so long, down there." SiZhui informed them.

"Oyster pills?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"Yes, and they're not sold openly. We had to find a seller. It was in the bad part of town." SiZhui flushed a deep shade of red, looking at Lan Zhan, whose ears changed colour immediately.

It did not go unnoticed by Wei Ying. He looked at both their faces, at deep desire of not wishing to be asked further questions on this, and tucked it away for another day.

"But we got them, and that's what counts, right?" SiZhui quickly added.


"Father made me stay out here, while he dived in to find you two, that's why I was waiting here." SiZhui finished. "What happened to you?" He asked Li XiWang.

"So you know the lady who took me? Her name is Daden Yaonu  and she is the First Dragon King's wife, Daden De Long. There are seven brothers." Li XiWang explained their relationship and described all of them. "But they don't know where my parents are. Daden Yaonu is going to ask her father if he knows anything. Father?"

Both Wei Ying and Lan Zhan looked at her.

"Can we go and meet them again? I promised them I would bring you to them, and...and I would like to say goodbye, at least once."

"Of course, little rabbit." Wei Ying was already nodding when Lan Zhan said yes.

"May I come too?" SiZhui asked. "I've heard so much about them all, it would be nice to see them in person."

"I don't understand something." Jiang Cheng said. "What happened to him? Why did you have to carry him out of there?"

Lan Zhan was looking at Wei Ying then, and saw him visibly become paler.

"It is time to sleep." He said, firmly.

"It can't be!" Jiang Cheng glared at the ground.

XiChen yawned exaggeratedly.

"Traitor!" Jiang Cheng whispered, but he was smiling. It was cute when his husband played the big brother card.

Lan Zhan placed the already sleepy Li XiWang next to SiZhui, who lay down next to Jin Ling. Jiang Cheng made himself comfortable next to him and XiChen brought up the rear. Satisfied with the sleeping arrangements, Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hand, startling him into standing up.

"We will be right back. Look after your sister." Lan Zhan whispered into SiZhui's ear. The boy nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist.

They were all leaning against a snoring Suanni, whose tail thumped on the sand contentedly.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying asked, but Lan Zhan was already striding away, and he had to run to keep up, given that his hand was already in the other's possession.

They walked for at least half a mile, far enough so that they couldn't be overheard.

Lan Zhan stopped so suddenly that Wei Ying bumped into him. He would have lost his balance but strong hands caught him and brought him to rest against a hard chest.

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