Chapter 34 Cravings

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XiChen was lying next to his husband when Jiang Cheng finally stirred.

He moaned, clutching his head.

"Wanyin!" XiChen kissed him all over his face, delighted that their plan had worked.

Jiang Cheng was awake.

"Why does my head hurt so much?" He whispered, closing his eyes again. He sniffed the air, and his stomach let out a groan.

"I'll fetch Healer Fei. And you some food." XiChen jumped out of bed, and got to the door before Jiang Cheng stopped him.

"Can I please, er, could you please bring me an onion?" He asked, utterly serious.

"Of course." XiChen kept his face neutral at the strange request.

He met Wei Ying on his way out.

"He's awake!" XiChen told him happily. "Stay with him until I get back?"

"Okay." Wei Ying agreed and went inside.

Jiang Cheng was sitting up now, but holding his head. Wei Ying hugged him gingerly, not wanting to add to his pain.

"How are you feeling?" He sat next to him on the bed.

"I have the mother of all headaches," he laughed ruefully, "and I'm not talking about you."

Wei Ying playfully punched his arm. He would hug Hui Gai for a long time now, to say thank you for bringing his brother back.

"And that Demon of yours!" Jiang Cheng remembered.

"First of all, he's not mine, and secondly, what did he do?"

"You know, it's kind of fuzzy in here." He pointed at his head. "I don't remember much, but he was there."

"He helped you to come back to us." Wei Ying told him. "Do you remember anything from your last night in JinLinTai? We tried Empathy, but it didn't reveal much."

"Empathy? On me?" Jiang Cheng shook his head. "I must have been really out of it."

XiChen came in then, followed by Healer Fei. Wei Ying looked at the raw onion rolling around the tray and stared at his brother in bond, who shrugged back at him.

Jiang Cheng reached for the onion first, and took a big bite out of it. Like an apple.

"Um, I guess I'll leave you to it." Wei Ying wrinkled his nose at his brother in barely disguised disgust, and left quickly.

XiChen tried to ignore the pungent smell emanating from his husband and he eagerly took more bites out it.

Healer Fei took his temperature and checked his pulse.


SiZhui tried not to run, but he was excited. This was the last free day he had, in between looking after his sister and running errands, and he really wanted to leave now.

He wanted to go and see Jin Ling.

That sentence alone, had him floating the rest of the way to the Jingshi.

Father Zhan was there, and for a second, SiZhui was happy. He had grown up with this man, shared his pain, shared his joy, and loved him beyond any measure.

He sat next to him quietly, humming with excitement, waiting for him to rouse from his meditation.


"Yes, father." He had been daydreaming, he realized, and blushed.

Lan Zhan looked at his face and smiled.

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