Chapter 9 Relief

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Shou Xing was still unconscious, so they decided to visit Jiang Cheng and see what the situation was like in Lotus Pier.

They were travelling on Bichen and Wei Ying was being carried by Lan Zhan when he laughed to himself. The sound did not go unnoticed, as Lan Zhan turned his head slightly, brow raised.

"Oh, I was just remembering Jin Ling. He might have to get married soon." Wei Ying smiled next to his cheek.


"Tell me Lan Zhan, did you ever think of getting married?"

Lan Zhan thought about it. Before he ever knew Wei Ying, the answer would have been a resounding 'no'. Even when he had caught the mysterious young man climbing over the walls of Cloud Recesses in the middle of the night, breaking a whole load of rules, he had no idea what this person would come to mean to him.

Wei Ying had wriggled his way under his skin and into his heart, and there was no way he could live without him. What he felt for this man went beyond any words like love; he was part of his soul.

It took his death to clarify everything Wei Ying meant to him. Lan Zhan remembered yearning to hear him call his name, berating himself for ever wishing his love would stop speaking, missing that voice to the depths of his insides.

The pain of losing him shattered everything he knew, about living, about his own views, his misguided attempts to subdue this wonderful man, who could not be contained. Lan Zhan loved that about him.

Wei Ying was like a tornado, blasting his way into Lan Zhan's life, obliterating everything in his past life, removing every doubt.

His spirit to just be as he was, was indomitable. Wei Ying epitomised life, and Lan Zhan felt humbled that he was allowed to share it, given this second chance.

"Lan Zhan? My love, did you hear me?" Wei Ying whispered in his ear.

In a display of superhuman strength, Lan Zhan manoeuvred his body in front of him, ending in a koala hug. With one hand at the back of his head, Lan Zhan caught his lips, showing him how much he loved him.

"You haven't answered my question." Wei Ying murmured against his lips.

Lan Zhan leaned back so he could look at him properly. His silver eyes were sparkling, probably with improper thoughts, silky ebony strands escaping from his ponytail, with that gorgeous red ribbon flying behind him. A faint pink blush dusted over his cheeks, and overcome with embarrassment, he buried his face in Lan Zhan's neck.

He whined, the sound muffled between their bodies.

"Love Wei Ying. No marriage, before Wei Ying." His hold tightened. "With Wei Ying, want everything."

This time, it was Wei Ying who leaned back to look at him. There was so much emotion in those amber eyes, filled deeply with love. It was an an endless pool, and Wei Ying felt as if he could jump into it and never reach the ground.

"I love you, Lan Zhan." He sealed his words with a deep kiss, pouring everything he felt.

He hadn't meant to make the conversation so serious, and that thought had just occurred to him.

For himself, he always appreciated beauty. When Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang had expressed their opinions on pretty girls, he had wondered why he didn't feel anything above a platonic admiration. This then fueled the belief that he wasn't trying hard enough. So to force some kind of feelings, he had flirted harder, wanting to experience what his friend and brother felt.

Even when he'd gone and fallen head over heels for Lan Zhan, he mistakenly thought it was just a deep friendship. This love had snuck up on him like a thief in the middle of the night, and stolen his heart.

He smiled at him now.

They were almost at Lotus Pier, and Lan Zhan was showing no sign of letting him go. He was staring at Wei Ying, just a flicker of his eyes to make sure they were safe, but all of his concentration was centred here, with Wei Ying.

"I could look at you forever."

The words hung in the air, as if either could have uttered them.
Even when they landed, they did not move. This moment...was everything.

Reluctantly, Wei Ying untangled himself from his husband, still holding his hand as they walked into his old home.

The place was quieter than normal. No one came to greet them, the halls were silent and devoid of persons.

An uneasy feeling crept into his mind as Wei Ying ventured further inwards, making their way to the infirmary.

Jiang Cheng was sitting just as Jin Ling had described him; book on his lap, and him looking out of the window. Wei Ying had rarely seen him ill, his hair, always swept up in a bun, hung loose and wavy around his face. There was something melancholic about him.

"Jiang Cheng! Cheng Cheng!" Wei Ying shouted, wanting to bring him out of his thoughts.

He turned to look at them, a faint smile on his face. Wei Ying went straight to him and hugged him.

"How are you feeling today?"

"Much better." Jiang Cheng replied, although something felt a little off to Wei Ying.

Purple eyes stared back at him defiantly, daring him to say otherwise. Wei Ying noted the paler features, the darkness around his eyes. He had lost some weight too.

"Where's XiChen-Ge?" He asked, looking around, expecting him to be nearby.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng seemed to shrink into himself.

Wei Ying glanced at Lan Zhan, who also looked worried. He sat down next to his brother.

"What's going on with you two? I thought he'd be here, you know, with you." Wei Ying took his hand.

"Huan has taken my illness...badly."

"What do you mean?"

"He's been interrogating all the staff, and not just once." Jiang Cheng raised a brow, sardonically.


"He's developed trust issues." Jiang Cheng went back to looking outside again.

"Do you think it's because of...what happened before, you know, with that other person?"

"Why don't you go and ask him yourself?" Jiang Cheng looked tired all of a sudden. "He doesn't really talk to me that much now."

Wei Ying tried not to look alarmed. He stood up.

"Alright, then. See you in a few minutes." He took Lan Zhan's hand and they left to find the missing man.



I'm alive! Had a fever and such, but we're back! Expect as many updates as I can today!

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