Chapter 24 Solace

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Hui Gai knew he had to do something. The little girl seemed to be shrinking away and he had to stop it. His friend had told him to protect her, and that didn't have to mean just physically...

Li XiWang felt the weight of the ring around her neck lessen. Her fingers touched the circular object fondly, and she absentmindedly wondered where he could have gone.

Her silent question was answered a few seconds later, when the demon appeared next to her. He handed her a bowl of ice cream and a spoon, showing her all of his pointy teeth.

"I don't feel like eating it," she told him, sadly.

"But I stole it. Just for you." He looked hurt. "It will shred my reputation if you make me give it back."

She looked at him, wanting to detect the lie, but found only kindness.

"Okay." Reluctantly, she started eating it, much to his delight. "Um, what flavour is this?" She wrinkled her cute button nose but carried on eating.

"How would I know?" He shrugged, not at all bothered.

"Well, not that i don't appreciate it, but it tastes funny."

"Funny good? Or funny bad?"

"I don't know. Here." She shoved the spoon in his mouth before she could stop him.

Now the demon's face was half covered in sweet sticky white gloop.

"I'm going to forgive you, this time!" He vanished in disgust, to the sound of her laughter.

That was how Wei Ying found her, staring into space and cradling an empty bowl with a spoon in it. He looked at it and then,  at her face which still bore the traces of the white stuff around her lips. He grinned at her and wiped it off with his sleeve.

He was concerned when she didn't smile back. He opened his arms for the second time that day, and she came willingly, putting the bowl down first. She rested her head against his shoulder and sighed, letting herself be comforted.

"Want to tell me what's wrong?" The voice was open and candid.

She wanted to, so much. But where to start? So she sighed again.

"I don't know how."

Tears fell on his shoulder, breaking his heart. He stroked her hair softly, encouragingly.

"You can tell me anything. Nothing will stop me from loving you. You know that, right?"

She closed her eyes.

"No one likes me." She whispered.

"I do. Your father does. SiZhui does, and Gramps." He said, gently.

"Family doesn't count." She smiled through wet eyes.

"Don't be silly. Family is all that counts. Who hurt you?"

She opened her eyes at the steel in his voice. "Don't...don't do anything to them."

"Who are they?" Wei Ying forced his voice to sound calmer, but his heart was pounding faster. Who dared to hurt her?

"Promise me, or I'm not saying anything." She looked quite serious, and it made Wei Ying so proud.

"Promise." Wei Ying uttered the single word, thinking it wouldn't tie him down.

"Say the words." She must have seen something in his eyes.

"Alright, alright!" He huffed, but he smiled at her tenacity.  "I, Wei WuXian of GusuLan clan, promise not to hurt whoever has caused my daughter pain. On this occasion." He quickly added just as their pinky fingers touched after making a promise heart with their thumbs.

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