Chapter 41 Unfaithful

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Wei Ying consulted his notes and the rough map he had drawn before they'd left Gusu.

According to his calculations, they would pass through four more towns before reaching the seaside.

Lan Zhan sat next to him, looking at the map too.

"How many days do you think it will take us?" SiZhui asked, his brown eyes shining with excitement.

"I suppose it depends on our pace." Wei Ying grinned at him mischievously.

SiZhui regretted opening his mouth.

"What's this?" Lan Zhan pointed to something on the map, indirectly saving his son from surefire teasing.

SiZhui caught his eye and mouthed a 'thank you'.

Wei Ying was looking at the long, pale finger on the map, suitably distracted, and definitely thinking about...other things.

Lan Zhan was so utterly gorgeous, so beautiful, every part of him, that Wei Ying felt luckier every day.

They took a meandering path alongside the main road, at least in sight of it. Wei Ying loved looking at the different types of trees growing as they got closer to the coast. There were wild banana trees, the odd palm tree scattered between the regular oak and willow trees.

The vegetation was different too, the plants spikier and not so soft looking as the ones he was used to seeing in Gusu, or even Lotus Pier for that matter.

Wei Ying had assumed they would be similar to Lotus Pier anyway, because of the close proximity to water, but Lotus Pier was filled with freshwater lakes and rivers. Then the only explanation was the salt content, even though they were still far from the ocean.

His hand was trailing along a wall of what looked like climbing ivy, taking in the scent of newly opened pink buds in the flowers blossoming amidst the leaves, when his hand caught on something sharp.

"Ow!" He cried, snatching his away.

Lan Zhan took his bleeding hand in his, pulling out a handkerchief and holding it tight.

"Thank you, Lan Zhan." He said, gratefully, but regretting the staining of the spotless white fabric.

SiZhui parted the thick clinging vines and then gasped. He pulled out his sword and hacked away at some of the leafy growth to reveal an old looking wooden door, with an elaborate iron lock which looked rusty.

"Fathers! Look at this!" He exclaimed.

Lan Zhan had wrapped Wei Ying's hand in the makeshift bandage using his handkerchief. They both came over to have a look.

"Where do you think it leads?" SiZhui asked.

"Only one way to find out." Wei Ying pushed the door, and it swung open, creaking with age.

What might have been a path was completely overgrown with weeds and grasses, reaching up to their waists.

Wei Ying started walking forward before he was pulled back and made to walk behind Lan Zhan, who kept a hold of his hand.

SiZhui made Li Xiwang walk in front of him and he followed closely behind.

Bichen cleared the path in front of them. In the distance, Wei Ying could see the curve of the mountainside, and the shape of a building, but mists were swirling around them, growing ever thicker.

"Li XiWang, hold SiZhui's hand." Wei Ying called out. "And stay close."

They slowed down, mindful of the increasing impediment to their sights, and soon, it was only by the blue glare emanating from Bichen that allowed them to make progress.

Wei Ying had enough of not being able to see, and sent a clearing talisman into the mist. It did not seem to be conjured by anything evil, because it cleared up almost immediately.

They stood in awed silence, as the building in front of them was seen clearly.

It was a seven story pagoda.

The wide and sweeping roof crept towards the sky, tall and alone in that quiet landscape. The air was still, silent but strangely tranquil as they edged forward.

In it's heyday, the temple would have been truly magnificent. Now, after so many years of obvious neglect, it's dilapidated windows creaked, the shutters cracked and broken. What used to be a red veneer was now faded into a dusty pink.

"Do you sense something, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying whispered.

It was the sort of place that required you to whisper, he thought.


"Should we go in?"

"We can." Lan Zhan lead the way.

They ventured forward up the steps on the wide pavilion.

Something caught SiZhui's eye, and he paused. There was something... floating to his left, and he decided to go and see what it was.


Wei Ying looked at the door, barely hanging on its hinges. Lan Zhan pushed it open using Bichen. It was too dark to see, so Wei Ying threw out a light talisman. They were in a huge hall.

Golden pillars now a faded yellow lined the way to the statue standing at the far end. The ceiling stretched high up, and appeared to be painted,but it was too dark to see and too far away.

The statue was of Buddha.

Wei Ying found some incense.

"Shall we light some, Lan Zhan? It seems to be the right thing to do."

"Mn." Lan Zhan pulled out another white handkerchief and started wiping the statue from the years of accumulated dust, while Wei Ying lit the incense sticks.

"Where are the children?" He suddenly asked.


Outside, SiZhui had begun to walk towards the the floating object. It appeared to be waiting for him.

Li XiWang noticed he wasn't with them, and turned back to join him.

"What is it?" She whispered.

"I don't know." He whispered back.

But something was drawing him closer and closer to whatever it was. From the moment they had entered this compound, he had felt a strange attraction to this place, almost as if he had been here before. Of course, that wasn't possible.

He had grown up in Qishan. He shouldn't have memories from anywhere else... should he?

There was supposed to be a lake somewhere here.

"What?" His sister asked. "What did you say about a lake?"

Had he said that out loud?

But the closer they got, the surer he became. The mists were clearing away, and a pristine blue lake shone with the last rays of the brilliant sun. Calm waters glistened brightly, and seeing this vista in front of him, SiZhui suddenly clutched his head and cried out.


Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's hand and ran for the door, all thoughts fled as he looked for the children.

"They must be outside still, right, Lan Zhan?" His voice had taken on a desperate tone.

That's when they heard SiZhui.

Lan Zhan leapt forward with Wei Ying. They flew down the stairs and reached the lake.

"SiZhui! What happened?" Wei Ying cried out.

Li XiWang was sitting with his head in her lap.

"He cried out when he saw the lake." She told them.

SiZhui sat up after Lan Zhan transferred spiritual energy for a few moments.

"What happened, SiZhui?" Wei Ying kneeled beside him.

"I've been here before." He said.

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