Bonus Part 2

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Wei Ying kissed Lan Zhan's cheek.

"I only like it when you touch my wings." He went to walk forward, but Lan Zhan was immovable, suddenly.

He turned around to see what was wrong, and found Lan Zhan frowning.

"Who else has touched you?"


Jiang Cheng was feeling angry.

He knew he felt only that because he searched, he really did, for anything else, and came back empty.

Except for the anger.

He knew from first hand experience, that being a sect leader was a tough job. He knew that it was difficult at times, to the point of finding it frustrating.

And he knew that sometimes, one had to show more emotions than one was feeling at the time, because people expected it.

Not from himself, because anyone who visited Lotus Pier, gave him a wide berth. But XiChen should know better by now.

XiChen wasn't single anymore.

XiChen shouldn't be letting anyone touch him just like that.

But XiChen was too kind.

Zidian sizzled on his wrist, and for once, Jiang Cheng didn't mind.

Perhaps he needed to teach his husband a lesson, just to remind him of a few things. Just to be safe.

He smiled to himself, his sharp mind forming a plan.

That evening, XiChen was humming to himself, walking to the Hanshi and wondering where Jiang Cheng was.

To his surprise, the door was locked. And there was a note.

In the shape of a crane.

His heart fluttered with growing excitement. Wanyin was the only one who knew this secret of his, not even his baby brother was aware of his love for the magnificent birds.

He was reminded of the time when he was six years old and found a fledgling. It's mother had been killed by foxes, and it was starved. Baby XiChen didn't know what to do, and went to tell Uncle Qiren what had happened.

Together, they brought it home and kept it in an open box, and looked after it.

XiChen would stroke it's long neck softly and speak to it in gentle voice, hoping that he could give it some comfort and not miss it's mother so much.

In that, they had something in common; both had lost their mothers at a young age.

XiChen loved the sleek feel of it's neck, watching as the soft fluffy down feathers changed into stronger ones built for flight.

And then, one sad day in winter, the crane flew away.

It broke his tiny soft heart; because who could he talk to now? And just then, Baby A-Zhan waddled in, sniffling.

XiChen gathered him into his small arms and was grateful.

That crane was the first thing apart from his brother and mother that he truly loved, with the whole of his heart.

Wanyin knew.

XiChen stroked the neck of the paper crane now, his heart filling up with another kind of love. Wanyin must have spent a lot of time making this. Was it a hidden skill, something he already knew how to do? Or a newly learned one?

XiChen opened it delicately, not wishing to damage it in any way.

Follow the cranes, the note said.

Oh. Wanyin wanted to play.

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