Chapter 6

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Shandrelle | Dr.




3 words that would probably best suit how my brain cells are experiencing right now. Total messed up. I pity my head for undergoing such awful things.

"So are you saying that this disease is what actually killed mom?" I swear that any minute now, you could see all the insides of my brain scattered on the floor.

It's about to blow up.

"Yes" he reassured with a nod.

"What disease is this again?" dad slightly leans sideways while he rests his palm on the top table to support his weight.

"Angelman syndrome Mr. Rodriguez" Cjay sat on the couch across us while legs crossed like a decent high class businessman who is at an auction that's ready to show off his wealth by giving his best bid.

Huh. Angelman. Angel— what now? Is that a freaking fish or something?

"I see. So what does this have to do with us?" dad pointed us out, including himself. He tries his best to remain his pace still.

My attention paved at Cjay who kept his gaze fixed on us while he fiddles with his fingers resting on his lap. I studied his expression and I can see the sympathy in his eyes. The sadness, worse, the pity.

Oh no, this is not good.

That feeling when your stomach begins to squirm in an unpleasant way and just badly feel the need to throw up- if not with food, with nothing but air instead.

"Mr. Rodriguez, I don't quite have the details but the reason why I brought this up is because both your daughter and son might be involve with this" he trades his glances to me and Liandriel, who's now leaning his lower body on the table and silently pays attention.

Fuck. Totally not good. Now I really want to vomit.

"Huh? But why?" despite the confusion my father is visibly showing right now, he still managed to stay calm.

Why didn't I got that from him? Having temper issues is seriously fucked up.

"Angelman syndrome is a genetic disease as I've said in the letter I sent you" right, that exactly explains why we're all here inside this room discussing about my mother's cause of death which was already 7 years ago.

I mean, come on, is this some kind of movie? Where we get to dig some malicious event from the past, investigate on it, find answers, solutions and years later, we just found out that indeed all that happened was some bullshit that the antagonist had make, perfectly marks its role in a protagonist's life to mess it up.

"Now, this disease is inherited Mr. Rodriguez... " he trails off. You know it's a serious call when he spreads his legs and rested his elbows on each side of his lap and interlocks his fingers upfront as he throws us that momentous look.

And I so hate that look. Not that face again, that look sends down millions of cold shiver to run down my spine causing the hairs behind my neck to shoot up.

"... which means that either one of them might have acquired it" he points his forefinger at us like he just pulled the trigger of his goddamn gun at his target and just yelled bullseye!

Oh shit.

"Wait what?"

"So are you saying that mom might have passed it on to us?" now I pulled the trigger and pointed the gun to myself.

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