Chapter 49

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Levi | Sent

For the love of God, just please make this work.

This has to.

The reflection of my trembling thumb against the screen of my phone slaps right through my face.

"Jesus, get a grip Alvarez!" I mutter to myself as I hand down the tiny gadget I held.

My heart beats wildly. And what makes it worse is without me not knowing what to blame. Or who to take it out.

"Come on! You just have to fucking press that stupid button for pete's sake!" I snatched back my phone resting on the top table and made 3, 4 oh, for the love of... 10! 10 fucking tiny forward and backward motions on my thumb whether to press it or not. And Jesus do it took the 16th thrust forward to finally send it.

Okay, deep breaths. You did the right thing. You just had to send her the answers she needed. You just had to let her know the truth herself. You just had to send her the address where she will meet the person who's behind all this- yes, the very reason why this all started, the very reason why she came for us, why she barge in to our lives- she came for answers, she came for- my father.

Scheduled message sent successfully.

Good luck Shandrelle.

This is bound to happen. She needs to know the truth. The truth about her mother's cause of death. Her death certificate. Herself- her identity and Nieeh- her soon to be wife's identity. And God how did all these make me lose my sanity? How did my father do all this?

My nails penetrate the walls of my palm as I clenched it to fist balls. It's the same old bricks, only now it's paled shade as its paint fades within time. Same old windows, only now covered with few webs where tiny spiders crawl and others eat their prey. Same old rooftops, only now beamed with light red-orange color as it starts to rust. Same old little garden where Nieeh and I used to just pass time long ago, only now the flowers withered and grasses turn to bushes and rustles as the wind blew in it. It's the same. The same old house 7 years ago. The same old Kim's residence 7 years ago.

And there I saw him. There with his old and shaggy coat paired with black slacks and a pair of baggy leather shoes to top it all out. He hurriedly take his steps twice his normal walking pace and immediately looked around as if he was afraid he'll get caught doing a burglary. I, on the other hand, hid my shadow and cover myself behind this lamppost across the street. And when he realizes that the coast is clear, he twisted the knob and went inside, making the concrete walls to slightly shake and shutter after he shuts the door.

I blew out a sigh and while my fist clenched hidden on both sides of my pocket, I walk. One foot over the other until the wooden door with silver knob is standing right in front of me.

I swallowed hard and thick of this so-called lump obstructing my throat making it hard for the air in my lungs to come out.

The warmth my palm releases was replaced with the coldness of the metal knob as I twist on it. The door slightly made a squeak as I pushed forward its body. Only the clicking of my heels were deafening my ears as I took each steps forward to reach where my father could've settled down.

I found my feet nailed on the ground where the living room was.

There, he seated peacefully while his head thrown back at the couch headrest with his feet rested on the mini table and his shoulders slouched while eyes closed.

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