Chapter 69

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Nieeh | The choice

Sunrise marks the beginning of a brand new day. It gives lot of new hopes and wishes. Every sunrise marks a new day. Every day is a brand new day and every day we can always set out to start something great and new. We can make sure we don't make or repeat the mistakes of the previous days. It's just like a message you are receiving from nature to boost energy psychologically and physically in your body to chase your goal of the day, for you to seize it. 

The breeze slaps my skin causing the ends of my hair all over my body to stand up and the cold addends as it wraps around me that it made shivers ran down my spine. What a brilliant day it is to wake up and the first thing that your eyes sees is the love of your life, there, busy at your kitchen, starting your fresh day with the first meal of the day that she cooks for the both of you. And as you wait, you found yourself standing outside your porch's room just enjoying the fascinating sunrise, of how majestic the scenery is. You just couldn't believe that nothing could be any more perfect than this. But suck life when you realize that it couldn't. It doesn't always have to be perfect. Shit comes to light, blocking your perfect view of the sunrise, tearing you down until you'll be left with nothing but pure destruction.

I gripped hard on the veranda's railing as I took a heavy sigh and dropped my eyes on to the only thing that I have in my hand.

"Shit" you couldn't be that dense when you slit your fingers by a paper. 

The cut immediately parted and now comes the blood gushing out from the tear. What kind of spell did that witch casted that even this piece of envelope betted its life on bringing pain unto me?

Nevertheless, the paper flicks as I began to unfold it.

Issued to: Nieeh Claire Kim & Jon Adrian Elizalde
Spring Brook Motel
Room #: 349
Book in: 7:00 PM
Book out: 12:00 AM

My stomach twirls and I felt nauseous, as if the acids in my gastric juice suddenly fluxed and burnt the walls of my esophagus as it made its way to my mouth.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

The paper rustles as I take out my anger on it by applying force to crumple it and finally throw it into the garbage pail. As I went inside the room, I took a seat on the edge of the bed and exasperately run my fingers through my crown and buried my face in the heat of my palms.


Nothing more relaxing than to hear my fiancé's voice.

"Mm?" I grumble in my hands without sparing her a glance.

"Table's all set. I made a little mess with the syrup so umm, I'll make a quick change but you can head over first. I'll be right over" I heard the closet creaked open.

"It's cool poo. We can head down together" I massaged my temples and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Everything's g- go— ugh... good h- hon— shit."

My eyebrows met at the middle as soon as I heard her mumbling together with the hint of irritation on her voice. My brows immediately recovered as it pulls apart and nothing came out of my mouth except a loud snort and giggles as soon as I saw her gawky set up.

"Poo here, let me" I approached the scene and she only gained a more hysterical laugh.

"I hate this shirt" she mumbles with the cloth covering her eyes, like a yoda from those star wars, except that with a lightsaber, she looks like she has a samurai sword behind her back.

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