Chapter 24

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Nieeh | Lay with me

26th May, 2002.

"Stop! How could you?!" the woman pulled the child's arm away.

"Take her away!" the man glared with pure fury.

"She's your daughter for goodness sake! Can't you just atleast greet her a happy birthday?! For once, after 8 years of you ditching me which I never knew I was already bearing your child after taking advantage of my drunk state!" the woman defended.

The large room minimizes, as the tension between the two increases and the heat circulating the area rapidly rises.

"I don't give a damn about your child's birthday! And that was a long time ago! I was also drunk! But I'm well aware of my actions, that child isn't mine! Who knows who else fucked you up that night. We were in a bar, it can be anyone! Do you have to go this far?! What do you want?! Money?! Tell me!" the man hissed.

"Name your price!" he crossed the gap between them, leaving only a centimeter away.

The woman stood still, fighting off her knees from trembling, as her nails dug deep, penetrating her palms as she clenched her fists.

"Tell me, how much do you nee—"

"Fuck you!" the man's cheek flared red when it made a sudden contact with the woman's bare hand.

"Mommy, don't hurt daddy" the child tugged the end sleeve of the woman, pulling it away with all its tiny strength has.

"She's not my daughter, stop lying!" the man spits out those words right in front of the woman's face.

"Daddy, don't shout at mommy" the child switched its position, now tugging the hem of the shirt of to whom her mother claimed its father.

The man falls on his knees to meet the child's height.

"I am not your daddy" the man firmly states.

"Mo... mom- my" the child's voice broke, frightened as the man gripped hard on the child's vulnerable shoulders.

"Stop hurting your daughter!" the woman tugged the child away from fully crushing into its father's arms.

"Enough" the man pushed his fists against the ground while eyes shut, repudiating his anger.

"Listen to me, if it is a lie, what do you think I would gain out of it?" tears clouded the woman's eyes.

The man lifts himself up but remained silent.

"Nothing. Nothing you see! So believe me that I am telling you nothing but the trut—"

"I said enough!" the man with all his force pushed the woman to take out his wrath.

A loud thud appears audible and tinkling of shattered glasses as it falls each pieces to the floor after the woman smashed on the huge portrait hung on the wall.

"Mommy!" the child runs towards its mother.

"I- I... I— fuck!" the man was frightened, and followed the child.

"H- hey, hey st- stay, stay with me" the man's voice shatters as he lifts the head of the woman and placed it on his lap.

"Mommy!" the child now bursted into tears, weeping loudly and uncontrollably.

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