Chapter 62

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Nieeh | Aunt

I feel like I was held in an hourglass. It's as if I was imprisoned inside it and it was turned upside down. I tapped the glass from the inside begging and screaming for help as the sand from above kept streaming down, emptying the upper bulb and filling the lower one. But it was all worthless, no one is coming to rescue me but myself.

I am running out of time and I need to find a way out of this mess. Shandrelle will soon find out, the more I delay this, the more it gets more complicated.

But how? Jesus, how do I start? Hell, where should I start? I mean, it's not like I'm just about to tell a good romeo and juliet love story kinda shit while bunch of teens squat on the floor with their ears lively listening and lots of pair of eyes staring at you, keep on watch and ready to hear the tea that you're about to spill. I wish it would be that easy tho. What am I supposed to do? How should I tell her that she had been living with a false identity all her life? That she had been claiming a dead child's name, parents and even her own date of birth? How the hell should I tell her that her parents are long gone and that she was all left with only a sister? How on earth would I tell her all of that? Jesus Christ. But the worst was just getting started, how the hell would she take it if she knew that all these shit was all because of my father?

Oh good heavens, send help.

I need to calm down to think things straight. I heaved a heavy sigh and trailed my gaze to the white lines painted on the rough road in front of me. People on the other side waiting for the traffic signal to yield green for a go sign, to walk pass through and reach the opposite side of the road.

The light striked green and people started to move. And there I saw her, all dressed up in the most sexy way, come on, how can someone look hot just with a slick back, white t-shirt? It's not all the time, everyone would look good in it. And her eyes, droopy, hell don't I know why I find those unequal eyes of hers very much enticing. It only comes up everytime she's annoyed or irritated, which she is now as she starts to become more visible at my sight as she inches closer. And fuck do I also find it hot.

Damn, I am going nuts.

Here she comes with little RJ locking her tiny hands on Shandrelle's while they walk hand in hand across the street, both headed towards my direction.

And you already know the culprit of her piqued state.

"Hey hon" she recovers and smiles at me and treats my lips with a peck from hers.

Nostalgia hits when those soft scenes that you get to see in films that melts your heart, where you find yourself making a hot pot of stew, cooking dinner at your kitchen area while waiting for your spouse and few minutes later, the doorbell chimes your ear and two of the most important persons in your life comes crashing in. Your partner that just got out of a long tiring day at work and picked up your child after their school hours before heading home.

Her three idiotic buddies were surely thrilled when Shandrelle relayed the message to them about going back to their country road. And I'm certain that they were pleased of the idea of having me to tag along and join my wife get back here and not because of the fact that their actual friend that's coming back. Gratefully, Mr. Lee let me off the hook and the old man was remorseful for having to trouble my own business again. But I assured him that it was all good, and nothing to be bothered about.

"Cute" she is, with RJ's mini dora backpack strapped on her spare arm while the other was occupied by the child's hand.

"Don't even start hon, I'm about to skin Lareen alive for letting me pick up this little dev— angel, angel baby, here at school" she rephrased midway when I glared at her.

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