Chapter 35

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Nieeh | Jealous ver. 2.0

My face scrunched up and the corner of my upper lip hoists up as she squeezes- hard.


"Stop it!" I whack her arm.

"Ouch! What? Why? It's squishy" she ignores my complain and put force on compressing it with her hand.

"Don't make me ask twice Shandrelle" that came out as a threat.

"Ugh, fine" she drops her shoulders and gave up her squeezing session.

"Give justice to those poor strawberries" I snatched the pack of freshly frozen strawberries on her murderous hands and popped it down to the cart.

"Squishy things are irresistable to squeeze, you kno— oh my God, are those tootsie rolls?" she squeals in delight and immediately sprinted towards the candy section.

Good God, how did I ended up baby-sitting a 25 year old kid?

"Ugh" I groan and pushed the cart past her.

I pushed past three halls and ended up in the-

"Bourgogne: Hautes-Coťes de Nuits" oh wow, I didn't know a wine's name could be as complicated as a relationship status.

I shake my head and dropped back down the wine I pulled to check out.

"Yah- ooh, looks like someone's planning on getting drunk. Or should I say planning on getting someone drunk" I was startled when Minávonne made her presence by pinching my butt.

I could smack this girl's head if she wasn't older than me.

"Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know... somewhere" she poked my butt again.

"Would you leave my butt alone?" two! Make that two kids. One 25 year old and one 27 year old. Jesus, give me a break.

"Whatever. Where's your kiddie wifey?" her eyes roamed the area.

"I don't know where that chil—"

"Oh! There! There she is!" my wrinkles showed up between my brows as I wondered why the hell was she laughing.

"Looks like your wife got into a fight" she points Shandrelle's direction with her lips.

Fight? Oh not agai— wait, hold that thought. Why is she—

"Who's the little angel?" Minávonne dropped her knees to meet the little one's height tugging the hem of Shandrelle's shirt.

I can see now why her face painted a frown.

"Angel? That's a devil you mean" she let out a revolting face on the child. I couldn't suppress myself from laughing at Shandrelle's face right now.

"Don't be a meanie" Minávonne gently grabbed the tiny hands of the little girl holding on to Shandrelle's shirt.

"I was just looking for trollies when this kid came out of nowhere and she won't stop bugging me, asking for her mother. Do I look like someone who kidnaps their mothers? Jesus" I can feel her breath when she mutters to my ear as she placed herself behind me, as if she's hiding from a hideous monster and used me as her shield while she peeks her head over my shoulder to see the devil she was pertaining to.

I don't know who the kid is, the one in front of me who is thumb-sucking while having a little nonsense conversation with Min or this big baby hiding behind my back acting all afraid that the demons she thought would come charging towards her.

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