Chapter 64

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Nieeh | Fight

I'm drowning. I'm suffocating. I struggle to hang on to somethin— no, hell don't I even know where to hang on. I'm about to lose my breath as the sand slowly pulls me under. The once felt like an hour glass turns to a quicksand. Hasty and brisky. Now, my hands crawl as I fought the urge of completely being sucked from below.

"So, was she worth it?" how could I forget that same devilish stare she gave me the moment we first met?

And what the hell does she mean?

"With all due respect, but I don't have the slightest idea on what are you trying to imply. Ma'am."

After being introduced as Shandrelle's fiancé and where she claims as Aunt Jenibeb was in fact one of her mother's kins, it's a good thing Shandrelle was then bothered again by a phone call from her father, which actually saved me from being caught up in an awkward state. Because clearly Shandrelle has no clue that her aunt and I have already crossed paths, thanks to my dim-witted ex-boyfriend. Bad, because I get to be left alone with this hideous monster. No wonder Jon has that sick attitude, he totally got it from his mother.

She scans my being as if she was trying to examine my anatomy. Déjà vu kicks in as she again grab for my hand and I saw how her eyes run through each of my finger and how it stopped on my fourth finger.

"I thought you've been introduced as Shandrelle's fiancé but I guess I misheard it" she lets go of my hand and stares at me with pure mockery.

I really am convinced that she isn't deaf, just dumb as hell.

"I am ma'am" I was already getting irritated with just seeing her breathe. Much more when I tried my best not to freaking make a scene because of all the people, why does she have to be my fiancé's aunt?

"I don't see no ring" she grins in the most hellish way.

That bushwhacked as expectedly unexpected. She was right, there was no proof that would testify my real relationship with Shandrelle, aside from our current status but moreover, none.

"Well, I hope Shandrelle was worth ending your ties with my son and quit the daydream, because darling, your nightmare begins... " she trails off and stole a quick glance at Shandrelle from afar.


I cursed that bitch. She was far worse than his own son. She knew well what she will use as an extortion against me when her head snapped and creep comes crawling underneath my skin as my mind recalls on how she smiles a painfully wide cartoon of a smile. Like how the smiling man does when she realizes how Shandrelle's unbothered naivety of being clueless that her aunt and her fiancé have already been introduced not long ago. Bitch just got lucky and grabs the chance to use it against me. Did she think she could just scare me with that? Bitch ain't backing off, I'll make sure she never lays a finger on me nor my wife.

It was already over a quarter at 9 in the night and the streets are all covered with dark. Only a lampost that's 3 feet away from where I am was the other thing that provides brightness aside from the flickering lights of the company's foyer behind me.

Hongdae avenue looks serene and fascinating at night but can't help but to feel the sinister eerie that surrounds when it's almost ghost town when the clock strikes 8 in the evening. It's pitch black and hell does it making me start to get frightened.

An hour passed and I look like a popsicle stick standing outside of this company with nothing but a single fur-lined parkas because of the freezing cold. I was supposed to get picked up by Shandrelle earlier than an hour ago but that jerk is nowhere to be found now. I can't even dial her phone because she's out of service. Goddamn it!

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