Chapter 42

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Nieeh | Breakfast

Fairy tales, legends, myth.

I never once believed in either one of them. Who would?

We all live in a world where everything is like a goddamn wheel of fortune. It turns, it rotates, it revolves, it spins. Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. It repeats, the circle of life. Whether you put force on it by kicking it or just do nothing upon it, it will still roll on its own.

Just like life. There's no end. You can't escape problems, wars, chaos, mayhem. One day you have had a good day and then the next day, poof! Completely ruined. Just like how you've had you hair done in a salon and on your way home, some hasty douchebag bike rider run across a puddle you're near at and just splashes it all over you— your hair, that eventually pisses you off and just like that, your day got ruined- just by having a complete bad hair day. It sucks, I know.

But that's just how life goes on. We ain't living in a castle where we're some kind of dutchess that's just waiting for it's prince to save the damsel in distress. Come on, that's bullshit.
Wake the fuck up. Wake up to reality. We live in a world where nothing ever goes as planned. It's not always about staying happy and having positive minds. The longer you live, the more you'll realize that the ones that truly exists in this reality are merely pain, suffering and vanity.

But you come to realize a fact that, that's just how life means— does. Having a bad day could turn out just fine. You see, things just doesn't happens the way you wanted and expected them to be. Shit happens, you can't control that, none can. The key to surviving a hellish day is by simply accepting the fact that you just had a bad day. You go home, cry it all out, let it all out and then sleep. The next morning, you wake up, you have another day to deal with. Who knows? Another bad day? Maybe. Maybe not. Nervertheless, you have to face it. Accept and let go. Move fucking on.

And that's why I hated life. For the last 26 years of my existence in this cruel world, I had to continue living with that cycle. Having no parents to grow up with just made it worse. But what can I do? As I've said, shit happens. You don't have much choice but to accept it, deal with it and keep moving forward.

The thought of having to live like that for the rest of my life makes me want to just fucking end it, so it'd be easier and done with. And just when life seemed to fall apart and break me to pieces, there comes one unexpected thing knocking at my door. One that unexpectedly swoon all over and drastically altered my perspective- on how I was looking at life the wrong way.

It only took one, just one kiss. And voila! It led me here, to the most beautiful creature God has sent me from above.

I never knew perfection comes with a name.

Shandrelle. The woman who swept me off my feet. The woman who made me believe that having a bad day doesn't mean having a bad life. And the woman who made me believe that even if silly old fairy tales doesn't really exist, she made me feel like one.

I couldn't ask for anything more.

"God, I love you" and this was the first time I let her hear what my heart has been feeling all along.

She turn to look at me, dazed by my sudden confession.

"Where'd that come from?" she asked groggily as her brows scrunches and lands her hand on my bare back. Stroking her fingertips on it and makes tiny circles with her thumb.

"Don't I get to hear it too?" my voice worn out.

After getting drenched in the rain, a long way drive at the highway back home, a warm shower to freshen up and just made love until we no longer can keep up the pace and just drift off. The monkey was really happy when it turns out that I just got an early sign of nearing my period. Which explains how my hormones messed me up from getting upset at little things to then crave some weird shits to then becoming horny. Just a girl's silly old monthly visit.

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