Chapter 63

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Shandrelle | Moon

I honestly hate being in that mood where nothing is actually wrong but nothing really feels right either. We ain't robots for fuck's sake. We see things, hear things, feel things. We like our joy, but we need our sadness too. I know, that's fucked up.

Here's the thing, it's been 3 days since we came back here in Korea for her last week of duty in her office and fuck 3 days. 3 days of angst. Of worriedness. Of apprehension. Of dread. It's been 3 days and it's fucking killing me. Ever since that incident at the mall where we bumped into my aunt, she started to act strange and different, I don't know. You ever get that feeling when you just feel off, like something's not right? Like something just doesn't fit in the hole. It's like you're solving a rubik's cube with a certain pattern to mold a bigger picture using only tons of cubes and when you're at your last row, you notice that something's weird. The last set of cube you've put up doesn't satisfy your eyes at the sight and so you ask a company if they also have the same perspective as you have but unfortunately they don't. And so you ponder what's wrong? Where did you go wrong?

"Hon, can we talk?"

"About what?" she didn't even spare a glance at me. Her eyes, fixated on brushing Kõsai's fur and you can tell that she looks like she's singing a lullaby to a baby to tuck it to sleep when the husky yawned and eyes droopy, almost drifting off with every pet that she equips.

That's one.

"Hon, why don't we take Kõsai for a walk in the park?"

"Not now poo, Mr. Lee gave me a bunchload of paperworks" she continues to flip the papers, creased brows and eyes still fixated on the documents. And you can sense that she's already irritated with my presence.

Yeah well, the only thing I asked her to have a break is because-

"Hon, you need to breathe. Should you be sleeping when you stayed up all night?"

If it wasn't for the cold breeze that hugged me last night, I wouldn't see her on the bedside table only with a lamp on and the papers kissed her cheeks on the top desk as she already dozed off. It was already three at dawn when I carried her and tuck her to sleep and you can tell how exhausted she is when she slept like an oil but still cute with her little snores.

"Poo please. Just leave me alone."

I don't even know if we're having a real conversation when she didn't even spare me a glance, not even once, not until she was done having it and huffs in annoyance.

"About you being distant to me."

I couldn't hold it much longer. It's getting heavy, my mind is, my heart is, everything. It's fucking killing me inside.

"What are you talking about?" she scoffs.

She scoffs.

She freaking scoffs.

That's fucking two.

"Hon, remember the folks from our local back in Australia?"

She sat on my lap.

"Yeah, the frustrated rockstar or the slobby old man?"

While I lightly caress her thigh.

Well, if there was another thing why I fell madly in love with this woman is that she never fails. She always has that right amount of way whenever she gives her own point of view to something or, someone.

"Hon, first of, the old hag isn't frustrat-"

"Pinball wizard?" she says it like she was that 'duh' meme girl with a purple blouse on with pursed lips that obviously is mocking you with arms crossed just below her generous breasts.

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