Chapter 16: I missed you so much

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(Holly's POV)
I slowly open my eyes and carefully stretch my arms, I look to my side and read the clock which says it's only 7 o'clock in the morning.

It been nearly a week since Katy has been in a coma, I miss her so much, it's like I have darkness without Katy, I need her so that I'll have the sunshine again.

It's really weird how much I have needed and missed Katy during these last couple of days, it feels like we have a connection like a bond and I've barley spent anytime with her.

The amount of times that I've thought of Katy is uncountable. She's on my mind every single second, I'm so scared that I might loose her.

Katy's been apart of my life for a few years now, she's been there when nobody else was, especially when I got taken away.

I get off my bed and walk over to my small stereo, I carefully pick up the prism album and cautiously take the disk out and put it in my stereo.

I press play and my eyes beam, roar starts playing as I turn the stereo on full volume. I smile as I sing the 1st verse of roar and return to my bed.

I sing loudly as I work on my English assignment which is where we have to write a creative piece of writing, either about an important time in your life or something that you love doing and how it makes you feel.

Mines about how I feel when I listen to Katy's music and what influence it has on me. I got so many ideas so type them down on my mums laptop.

We don't own a computer so I can only use my mums laptop to do my assignments. It's really hard to complete all of my assignments since my mum needs her laptop for work.

But somehow I manage to get them done, sometimes I have to stay up all night too get them done.

After distracting myself from homework and dancing around the room I walk over to window and make sure that Richard isn't home. He hates when I play music, last time he caught me playing my stereo he threw it at me but luckily I dodged it and it smashed against the wall, leaving Richard grinning evilly.

That time I thought that I was over and that I wouldn't come out alive. Whenever I see him or see his sickening grin I get so scared to know that he's going to hurt me or go even further which is mostly what I'm afraid of.

He's not scared too, he's done it before but not to me it was my mum. He got so angry that he punched her, it was hard my mum described like someone hit a brick at my stomach.

My mum lied to the doctors and said she tripped over and landed on a brick if she told the truth Richard would take out his revenge somehow.

I always use to get scared that he would take it too far, but my mum said to not get in his way or disobey him, otherwise it he will get angry.

I walk back to my bed and sing as I start to write my piece of writing. I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, it must be my mum I sign. Knowing that she usually gets home at this hour.

I hear my phone go off, so I reach my hand to my right and grab by phone off my bed side table. I quickly type in my password and go into messages and see one from my mum.

"I won't be home for another hour, I have a meeting, there's some leftovers in the fridge for dinner xx"

I read the message and gasp, I start frantically looking around my room, I start panicking. I jump off my bed and run over to my stereo but it's too late.

My door swings open violently as I freeze in shock, there's Richard standing at the door staring at with anger painted all over his face.

"Turn the music off now!" Richard screams as I feel hot tears streaming down my face

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