Chapter 46: Suprise

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The blue glossy eyes of my daughter are revealed by her shades. Holly looks up and doesn't say a word but then her eyes tear away making me feel the burden.

"Katy you found me." Her tone seems to be full of disappointment as her eyes realign onto the horizon.

"Of course I found you. Didn't you want me too?" I say as I sit on the sand besides her and watch the ocean dump hundred of litters of water onto the golden mushy sand.

"I suppose I did," Holly says in such an unsure voice.

"Well I wanted to find you but that doesn't make an exception for my behaviour," I admit removing the black lenses from my eyes.

"It hurt," Holly tells looking me in the eye.

"I never wanted to hurt you, Holly. I was just being stupid and ignoring one another did not fix the situation. So I'm sorry. I know that sorry isn't enough but it's a start and I'm going to prove to you that I can be a mum and I can look after you the way I should be," I pause. "And Holly you can come to me about anything. No matter how angry I am I will still listen. Well, it's hard to turn these things off!" I earn a chuckle from Holly which I haven't heard in a while. "I miss you," I admit.

"I miss you too," Holly says.

"Let's never do that again. And I promise to always take care of you and if you feel like I'm not living that promise tell me. I'm always looking for ways to improve myself," I smile.

"You don't need to improve anything... hmm but maybe your cooking skills."

"I'm working on it!" I pout.

"But Katy," Holly pauses waiting for my reply.

"Mhm," I mumble.

"Can we just forget about this. Let's just move on," Holly suggests.

"Yes let's do so." I put my hand on Holly's and instantly pull it away feeling like I've touched dry ice. "You're freezing," I tell.

"It's only like ten degrees," Holly states.

"How long have you been here for? Wait never mind I forgot that we are moving on."

"I've been here since like six," Holly says making me gasp.

"We need to get you home!" I say starting to fuss over my child. "Wait have you eaten?" Holly shakes her head.

"Relax Katy I'm fine," Holly chuckles, laughing at how easily worried I get over her.

"No, you need to eat and get some warmer clothes on. So let's go home." I help Holly off the sand and put my arm around her neck as we start walking home, our ray bans shielding us from the sun which bursts rays over my neighbourhood.

It only takes us less then half an hour to walk home as no one disturbs us. The second we arrive home I make Holly eat and change into some warmer clothes. As much as I want to discuss why she ran away I know perfectly well that it will just start another fight so I continue to bite my tongue. I also text Shannon saying that Holly's home safe and sound.

"Hey Katy?" I hear Holly yell from the kitchen.

"Yeah," I shout back.

"Are we doing anything for your birthday as it's in two days?" Holly's tone lowers as she walks into the living room holding a glass of water.

"Nah. I think we might just stay home and have a nice dinner." That whole sentence was a lie since I'm planning to take Holly to New York for my birthday. We were talking about it in the hospital but she must of forgot so this is going to be a big surprise.

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