Chapter 5: Heart attack

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1 week later

(Katy's POV)
This week has been really tough because I haven't been able to see Holly much. Every day Michelle would stay with Holly until she is asked to leave. But the other day I saw holly for around an 1 hour, it was so peaceful. That was a great memory that I will treasure.

I just held her hand and prayed to God that he will keep Holly safe and wake her up from her coma. I've been praying every day, I hope it helps as I would do anything for Holly.

The last week has been really tough, I've had nobody by my side when I really needed it. Shannon has been filming for her new raising hope season all week so I've been left alone beside the occasional phone call from Angela.

Shannon would only drop in for a short amount of time then she had to go. So basically I've been on my own. John has been ignoring all my text messages as well as phone calls. So I think that we are over, great I'm all alone once again.

So far I've been at the hospital for 2 weeks which is how long Holly has been here and I haven't left once.  I probably look like a bomb has hit me, because of all the crying that I have done. And honestly I don't recognise myself. My cheeks bones are more noticeable and my weight has dropped.

Makeup hasn't even been on my mind so I've been stripped away from 'Katy Perry' and the iconic look which she has. I'm sure that the paparazzi will make a story out of me and it will be in the headlines as usual.

Not many people stop and ask for a photo they only point and whisper under their breathes but honestly that is the last thing on my mind. Holly is my top priority as she is still fighting for her life and she's slowly starting to move closer to her death bed.

I pull a chair close to the window and take a seat. My eyes divert to the Holly and the thick glass sheet which separates up both. My body urges me to go inside even though the nurses have said that Holly needs to rest. That doesn't mean that I'll take my eyes off of her. Sometimes I just want to tear them away and erase the vision because of the numerous tubes covering her body. It's hard to see a bit of her flesh with nothing inside of covering it. So it's hard to tell what she looks like. Of course I know she looks since I've received photos but I still can't imagine it. I know that she has blonde hair similar to mine as a teen and her nose shape is similar but that's all I've managed to find.

So I lean against my hair and play with the ends of my hair as I always do when I'm bored.

While I play with my hair I keep on looking through the glass window like its a shield blocking me into Holly's life, not letting me past it at all. I nearly punched the glass the other day because I was so angry.

Then I starting thinking about all the press and all my fans so I decided that it would have ruined my career if I punched the glass. So I kept all my anger inside of me which wasn't the best decision either.

I see Michelle about to walk into Holly's room I quickly get off the chair that I'm sitting on and run to another one further away from Holly's room.

Michelle walks straight past me, luckily she didn't see me. Michelle walks into Holly's room and just sits near her, all she does is admire her, why can't I be sitting there?

I grab my white iPhone 6+ out of my pocket and scroll through my Twitter feed, I usually tweet a lot but I haven't been tweeting for the last 2 weeks because I don't want the paparazzi do be suspicious.

I haven't been home for 2 weeks and I'm really surprised that nobody has noticed, which I'm really happy about.

I don't need the press making up junk about me, I already have enough on my mind.

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