Chapter 18: therapist

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I wave goodbye to Angela and look at Holly, sleeping peacefully with my arm wrapped around her. I'm so lucky to have found my daughter, it is a miracle.

When I gave her to Michelle I thought that I would never see her again. I kissed her goodbye and never expected to kiss her hello again.

I occasionally got text messages from Michelle with photos of Holly doing all the important things in life, like graduating from primary school and going onto the next chapter of her life.

And the big things like her first word, which was "Mummy" which I didn't even get to experience. With my luck I don't think that I ever will, I've kept a huge secret from my daughter for nearly 13 years.

If my birth mother did that to me I would be so angry at her, and also that she gave me up, but she disowned me. But luckily I had a loving mother and father, they didn't let me go to party's and watch MTV but I they raised me and I turned out fine, I achieved my dreams and my parents supported me though out that time.

They got me singing lessons and also a guitar for my 13th birthday. They may not of approved and liked when I stopped singing gospel and some of the stuff that I sung about but they still believed in me, like any other parent should and they loved me for who I am.

I never have been apart of Holly's life and I'm so ashamed of that. I disowned her, who does that type of things, I don't know why I did that.

My parents told me that they made me give my daughter away because they didn't want me to crush my dreams and to not continue working on it. If I kept Holly I wouldn't be where I am today, making music and helping people which makes me happy, knowing that I have helped someones life and made it a bit better for them.

But I still have that feeling of regret though, sometimes I just think about it and break down. I had them days a lot and I tried to hide my tears, I held them in all day until I got home and let it all out, I broke down and would sometimes cry myself to sleep.

I wasn't just about loosing Holly it was about Russell too. He left me as well, I was so lonely even though I was surrounded by my family and friends. It just didn't feel the same, Russell was like my other half, I couldn't function without him.

I put my heart and soul into our marriage and it failed, I tried my hardest to make it work but it's not like the movies.

My thoughts of regrets and my ex husband are stopped by my phone ringing. I quickly grab it off the table next to me so I don't wake up Holly, I look at the caller ID and it reads "John" I slide to answer the call.

"Hey Katy, your awake" John says brightly

"I just woke up yesterday, I miss you" I say warmly

"I miss you too Katy, I'm so sorry that I can't come and visit, I'm really busy at the moment with work and everything"

"That's okay, at least I get to talk to you"

"Yeah, I miss your voice"

"I do too" I say

"I'll try my best to see you in the next couple of days, I was so worried that you weren't going to make it, Shannon called and said that the doctors didn't know if you were going to survive, I was so scared Katy, I thought that I would loose you, but I'm so glad that you woke up" John says

"If you can't come to the hospital John it's fine, I understand"

"No it's not fine Katy, I'm your boyfriend and I need to be with you"
"So when are you getting out of the hospital?"

"Hopefully in a few days"

"That's great Katy, I'll try to visit and if I can't, I promise to see you the second you exit the hospital"

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