Chapter 1: News report

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(Hollys POV)

My head rests against the cool black leather seat as I gaze out the window admiring all of the attractions and scenery around Santa Barbara. I haven't been to many places due to my mum being at work and trying to keep our budget alive.

The window slides down and the easterly biting wind enters the car and sends a shiver down my spine. I lean over the seat and unclick my seatbelt so that I can reach for my jumper. It slides over my torso and instantly heats my skin as soon as the cotton wraps around my arms.

The wind starts to become violent so I close the window and feel my eyes start to get heavy. I force them open while I fish for my phone in the shopping bags below my feet. After searching through nearly all the bags I find my phone tucked underneath my mother's ray-bans which she bought today.

The brightness of my phones screen screws my eyes open even though all they want to do is close. After a while of playing games and going through social media I look up and I'm lost for words. There is a red four wheel drive car heading straight towards us, I then get an even bigger surprise.

It's my Dad Richard Pines.

He knows it's our car and he's come to finish what he started.

"Mum!" I scream, my finger firmly pointed towards to red four wheel drive car.

She doesn't say a word but her eyes are plastered on the car. Her eyes don't blink and she does not say a word as the car becomes closer towards us. My mum then regains her focus on the road but she has the most astound look on her face, and is struggling to comprehend that Richard has escaped.

The people who worked in the penal institution promised me that he would never walk free. That he would never be allowed to leave, and that this would be his home for the next twenty years. But that isn't enough time; he deserves to be in there longer. He should never be able to walk down the streets and be free when he caused all of the havoc.

How did he get out when there are electric fences as tall as five metres and they are sheltered in sharp metal wires. He is not invincible but he won't ever let pain get in the way of achieving his goals and certainly not in the way of hurting us.

Our car starts swerving as we change lanes trying to avoid getting hit but Richard keeps on driving straight towards our car. My mum grabs my hands and squeezes it tight, I then clench my eyes closed not wanting to witness our car being crushed and maybe even us.

I then remember my seatbelt, I try to buckle it into the socket but I feel my body fly out the windscreen and slam onto the black charcoal road. My body goes numb and I hear someone scream my name as my body shuts down and I let go of life.

My world goes black


(Katy's POV)

I lay on the couch with a pink blanket sprawled over my body. I then hear a key turn in the door handle unaware of who is entering my house; I don't remember giving anyone a key.

"Katy!" I hear Shannon call as she shuts the door and I can hear her walking towards the living room because of her shoes.

"How did you get in?" I say as Shannon holds up a key.

"I never gave you a key," I state.

"You gave me one a few weeks ago when you went to New York," Shannon exclaims.

Then I suddenly remember I gave her a key so that she could look after my cats, and water my garden while I was in New York for a meeting.

"Oh I remember."

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