Chapter 28: Secrets

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"Holly you are never going to loose me," Michelle explains as she grabs my hand and holds it in her own.

"But you will be so far away, and what happens if I need you. Your the only one that I can talk to about Richard, and what happens if I get nightmares. I won't be able to tell Katy," I say.

"I know, but we are going to have to tell her," My mum says.

"Are you sure?" I say confused.

"Holly we cannot keep this from her any longer. I don't want her to find out from somebody else," Michelle says while cocking her head.

"Not today though," I say.

"No, but soon."

This is going to be one of the hardest things to do. I have learnt to not think about Richard otherwise I'll probably go insane. Once we reveal the truth it will be hard because it's like we are re-opening wounds which have already been closed.

I just don't want to hear his name. It's makes me sick to the stomach whenever I hear someone says his name. He has put me through all of this, and he has caused so much havoc. Michelle says that once I'm better I have the choice to face him in court. I don't know if I'll be able to do that without falling onto my knees. But I need to speak the truth and I need to tell my story. It is not going to be easy and I'm sure that he will make up some lie to stop himself from going back to jail. If I stand in front of a judge and explain every little detail I'm sure that it will increase his sentence. He doesn't deserve to leave the prison, he doesn't deserve anything. Richard put our family through so much, and I will never forgive him no matter how deep his apology is.

He put me through so much pain and when I was younger I always was scared of my father. When I heard him walk down the hallway I always use to hide under my blankets or in my cupboard. He use to search for me and I screwed my eyes shut hoping that he would never find me, but he always did. I didn't know why he treated me this way, I was always kind to him and I thought that I was a good daughter. For years I thought that it was my fault and I tried to figure out what I had done wrong. I never found out but I had to learnt to accept that it was never my fault, Michelle use to reassure me that Richard never meant it and he had an anger issue.

As I got older Michelle told me that he use to get beaten when he was younger and that is why he did it to me. But wouldn't he have learnt from his mistakes, and known to not repeat them. But it is similar to bullying where the bully is only teasing someone because they are trying to hide their own flaws. Maybe this is the same.

"Holly, holly," Michelle says as I snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"What is it?" Michelle says noticing that my facial expressions have changed.

"Nothing," I lie as I look away.

"Holly," Michelle wines.

"It is just Richard, he is getting back into my head," I say as I feel tears weld up in my mind. "He is taking over my mind."

I don't look at Michelle but just put my head in my hands as I let out a large sob. Michelle rubs my back and I feel more tears escape my eyes.

"Shh," Michelle cooes.

I try and forgot about him but somehow he just enters my mind and takes over all of my thoughts. Just thinking about him makes me feel scared, it makes me feel nervous about what lays around the corner. I know that he is in prison but he could escape, he has already done that and he could do it again. The future is something that I will never be able to predict and I need to learn to move on and forget about him. But as much as I try I just cannot stop what goes into my mind. Michelle says that talking to someone helps and as the conversation gets deeper you forget, it sometimes works but not all of the time.

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