Chapter 21: what have I done

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(Holly's POV)
I open my eyes and see Katy fast asleep right next to me. I don't remember what happened last night. I think that I just fell asleep while talking to Katy.

I move closer to her as she wraps her arms around me and I rest my head in the crook of her neck. She still smells like vanilla and candy as always.

I feel so protected when I'm with her. I feel like we have a connection like I've been in her arms before. Maybe it's just cause I'm a katycat and I want to have a connection with her, but I don't know.

"Are you awake?" I whisper quietly

"Yeah" Katy moans as she turns to face the other side

"Can you turn back around, I want to see your face!" I wine as Katy groans

"No, I want to go back to sleep" Katy says

"Please" I wine again like a two year old

"Ahh fine!" Katy says finally giving in

"That's better" I say

Katy giggles and she closes her eyes trying to go back to sleep.

"Katy" I say

"Mm" she says

"Why do you wear make up? Because you look beautiful without it!" I say smiling

"Aw thanks" Katy says nervously as she blushes

"But why do you?" I question

"I-I just am very self conscious. It's hard being famous and having people judging you all the time. And..."

I cut Katy off "It's okay I understand"

"Ah what's the time?" Katy asks trying to change the subject

I do wonder why Katy is self conscious, she a beautiful women and has nothing bad to hide about her body. But I can imagine why she is, people judge her for not wearing make up and say horrific things about her, which would tear me apart if I received that hate.

I wanted to keep asking her questions but I didn't want to keep digging deeper. I'll just leave this for another day.

"Uh it's 7:30" I say looking at the clock besides me as Katy groans

"It's too early" she wines as I laugh

Katy closes her eyes and wraps her arms around me, she falls asleep in a matter of minutes. I try to move her arms off me, but I give in a fall back asleep.

(Katy's POV)
I'm awaken from my beauty sleep by Audrey standing at the end of the bed writing notes and then placing them on a clip board at the end of Holly's bed.

"Morning" I whisper quietly try not to wake the princess who is lightly snoring besides me

"Good morning Katy" Audrey says smiling

"How is she doing?" I say

"Surprisingly good, but she is booked in for surgery today to remove the rods in her legs. It should happen but we need to take an x-ray to be sure" Audrey says

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