Chapter 40: Flashing camera's

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Michelle drops her head a little. The excitement and rush of adrenaline soon flushes away. It so bitter how things can go sour in such a short period of time.

"There was one thing that Richard had asked." Michelle glances at both Katy and I to make sure we're listening. "He asked if we could visit him and discuss the past."

"No way!" I yell. "I'm not talking to him!"

"You've got no choice," Michelle says.

"It's a free country," I say throwing my hands in the air.

"It's all the judges orders. We all have to go. Whether it's together or individually," Michelle tells.

Great. I've got to listen to Richard tell a bunch of lies.

"When do we need to visit him?" Katy says entering the conversation.

"In the next fortnight, but I'm going to go in the next few days since I'm leaving for Africa next week." I just sign.

"I'll go sometime but I need to get my head around this first," Katy says.

"Holly you need to start making your decision because if you end up going to Africa with me you need to visit Richard and if you stay with Katy you won't have to do it for a while." This is gonna be hard. I have to decide my future and I don't know what way to go.

Lately I've become more closer to Katy but how could I leave the person I've called mum for twelve years. Michelle means everything to me and we have gone through thick and thin together. I can't just throw that down the drain. Can I.


Time was constable ticking and it was only 4 days till Michelle was leaving for Africa. The whole house was packed up leaving bare white walls which reminded me of the hospital room where I laid for close to six months. All the portraits were taken down and all of our the paintings. Michelle has an eye for art and she loved finding new pieces of treasure to hang on our walls. It's like her way of expressing her emotions. Katy does it through song writing, others find their own way.

Without those paintings the walls seem so lifeless. The house feels so empty. It's like they have been stripped of their personality. But soon a new family will paint their lives on the walls and they will probably enjoy it as much as Michelle and I did. We only owned this home for less than two years but we've had so many good times. Whether we played a board game or talk about how our days had been. It was our home and it was quite obvious when you walked in.

Now it was time to say goodbye. All of the memories that I had spent would be gone. The most significant ones were in the previous weeks where Katy would sit on my bed and show me photos of my fetus self, or we would just lie next to one another and not say a word but just enjoy each other's company. Or when I snuggled into her bed at night or when we watched hours and hours of dance moms. We already done so many things together and in the past previous days I've met her best friend Shannon who is a classic character. She is very loud and they both fight like children which is amusing, but she has another side to her. You could literally talk to Shannon about things for hours and she wouldn't get tired of listening.

Shannon knows about everything. The trial, Richard, Africa and everything in between. I trust Shannon and Katy trusts her with her life. Shannon was shocked about James who is now known as Richard but I didn't hear the rest of the conversation since I went out with Michelle for second last check up to the hospital. But it was obvious they needed time to talk. Alone.

Besides that my doctors are very happy with my progress and they find it amazing that I can stand up, let alone walk. I can admit that I'm in pain sometimes but hopefully it will decrease since they have given me some painkillers. But tomorrow on my last checkup I'm getting a cat scan as well as some x-rays on both my legs and arms. I'm a bit paranoid about the cat scan but Katy has promised to come with me which will hopefully calm me down.

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