Chapter 33: Ellen Degeneres show

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(Katy's POV)
*4 days later *

"Katy, who is this girl?"
"How is Russell Brand going?"
"Are you both dating?"
"Your hair looks really bad"
"Come on let us take one picture"

"Excuse me," I say politely trying my best to shield my face from the paparazzi.

The black lenses surround me as I try and push through them until I look down and expect to see Holly's small hand intwined with mine but I'm met with my pale hand holding onto nothing but thin air.

"Holly!" I scream making the camera men jump a little.

"Katy," I hear a small voice muffle.

"Holly!" I yell even louder until I feel a hand come into contact with my arm and see Holly clasping it tightly. Her black ray-bans that I leant her cover shield her from most of the flashes but she looks scared to death. Holly is still very wobbly due to getting her casts off her legs yesterday and only just learning to walk again, but I put my arm around her shoulder as she leans on it for support.

The paparazzi pull Holly and I into a small circle and everywhere I look I'm blinded. I pull Holly closer towards me until our sides touch and our hands interlock. Without letting Holly go I take my jacket off and shield Holly's face not really caring if they get a photo of me at this point.

My elbows continue pushing through the paps while I get a few stares followed by some more rude comments. I keep my head down only looking at the floor until I feel someone tap my shoulder and relief fills my eyes seeing one of my body guards. They lead both Holly and I through the crowd in less than a minute and we finally get into the door and onto the set.

I thank my bodyguard before taking my jacket off Holly and seeing a few stray tears after she removes her sunglasses. She looks so frightened so I just pull her into a hug and gently rock side to side. A light but hollow sob escapes her lips and her body melts onto mine using none of her weight to hold herself up so I hold her even tighter.

Her mind must be crazy for just experiencing her first encounter with the paparazzi, and for being such a young age to hear their comments of hatred being flown around. It took me a while to adjust and to ignore the comments and let them go through one ear and out the other. She will learnt and I will always be her side to do so.

I wish that the paparazzi wouldn't be so rough but they honestly don't care how you feel as they are just there to get a decent photo of me.

"You need to not believe them Holly. They just want a reaction from me but we need to never give them one," I say as I pull away from our hug. "You'll learn to live with them. It will take time but I'll guide you," I continue as I lift Holly's head with my fingertip.

"Thank you," She muffles as she leans in for another hug and I then pull her closer not wanting to ever let her go. I wish that she could stay in my arms because it's much safer than out there.

The thoughts of that happening again slowly exits my mind even though it will. Holly and I both release from our hug and I take her by the hand and lead her down the hallway stopping at nearly every framed photo and explaining who they are and some other minor details. Holly is mostly star struck still not use to the life I live and the people who I become close with. They are just celebrities to her but to me they are a whole lot more.

"I found you!" Holly shouts as I walk over to her and see a photo of myself with Ellen in a large white frame.

"That was when I came and sung unconditionally for the first time," I say blankly knowing that song brings so much pain into my half healed body.

"I watched that in the hospital!"

"I remember that," I say smiling down at one of the most beautiful humans to grace this world.

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