Chapter 49: Hollowed breathes

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Pitter patter, pitter patter

The rain slowly trickled down my window making a light splashing sound as it did so. The wind howled like a wolf and the bare trees were blowing wildly. It was almost impossible to fall back asleep and even though it was less than zero degrees outside my body was dripping with sweat, producing hot balls on either of my temples. When the thick doona was thrown onto the floor my body still remained hot and my throat began to ache. I tried to ignore the dryness and tossed over and put my vision on the photograph of my mum and I. I got it printed out the day after we came home and it's the one we took at the Statue of Liberty. It shows us. Not that we fake our personalities but you can the see the love. It's actually a visual since mum is giving me one of the glares that I always wish that I could capture and relive. I've captured it in a photograph but it's more special in person. It's just one of those things that seem like nothing to the outside world but to me it's everything. It's our bond I suppose which is stronger than 50 large men. It's stronger than basically anything. The things that we have been through together is unimaginable not that we are the only ones but when it's you or someone you love it's different. Different then seeing an article about someone who's sick or been in a fatal crash. Not that our situation is worse but still we have gone through thick and thin and had horrible arguments and walkouts. But somehow we've grown and climbed across what felt like a never-ending bridge. We've seen each other through and figured out each others strengths and weaknesses so that we know how to not push the wrong buttons. But I do that sometimes. Besides I'm still learning and mum is too.

You're never too old to learn. Even a 100-year-old learns something new every day and we inject that information in our everyday lives. No matter how simple that new fact or information may be it's significant. I learnt to forgive and forget and how people make mistakes but they eventually learn from them. Today I'm still learning and I love how each day I find out some new traits about my mum. Whether it's what shampoo she washes with or which way she cuts her sand which. Or how she loves to explore and see new places and revisit old ones. I think that it's just amazing how close that we have gotten and how it's impossible to split us. But I love it, though. I love how I've always got someone to count on when I'm feeling down and how I've got somehow who loves me unconditionally. Mum always lets me know whether it's the three words or what is shown in this photograph. It's just so precious. But what's even better is how all of my thoughts can drain away for a little while when I think of her. The storm wasn't even audible but the second I toss onto my stomach and stare at the creamy coloured ceiling the rain manages to find its way back in my ear canal and the sweat rises, plastering a few blonde strands on my sweaty forehead.

The rain thickens and the howling echoes through my bedroom and then my throat begins to cry trying to clasp onto any drop of saliva. So I lift my body out of bed and head downstairs in need of some cold water. The whole house it pitched black and it's hard to find see how many stairs I have left till I reach the bottom floor. Soon enough I find my way and my feet indulge in the carpet which wraps around my toes as I take each step. Suddenly I come to a stop as I hear rustling coming from the kitchen. Is it a murderer?

Slowly I tiptoe while holding my arms close to my chest and I peer through the kitchen door to see mum filling up the mug with water which I gave her for her birthday. Her head snaps in my direction as the floorboards in the kitchen creak.

"Why are you awake? It's like 3 am," mum says as she brings the mug to her lips and carefully watches me walk towards a cabinet, take a glass out and fill it with the liquid in which my throat is begging for.

"I couldn't sleep because of the storm," I state as a huge thunder of lightning strikes making me jump.

"You're scared of thunder?" Mum asks.

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